On Sun, Sep 06, 2015 at 08:27:08AM -0700, Ganesh Ajjanagadde wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that glibc lists all the tickets/bug reports fixed in the
> Changelog, and was wondering whether it would be beneficial if ffmpeg
> did the same for its releases.
> The benefit I see is that this is a "user-facing" change and thus
> ideally should be documented in the relase notes.
> The drawback I see is that this is an additional burden on the people
> in charge of the release, and technically one can examine the git logs
> to get the list of tickets fixed. On the other hand, such log
> examination can be troublesome for some users, and many might just
> obtain the snapshot lacking such history.
> I myself have no opinions on this.

Given that users interested in a ticket can just put themselves in CC of
the ticket (and will get notified as a result), I don't really see the
point of cluttering the Changelog with them.

Clément B.

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