On 09/01/2015 09:54 PM, Peter B. wrote:
> [...]
> But actually, I think it'd be best to change the FFV1 tests to match the
> ones in "lossless-video.mak", using framecrc rather than the enc_dec
> function used in "vcodec.mak".
> Changing that however, makes it difficult to stick with the
> auto-generated fate-vsynth% targets.
> So I'd actually be doing a major rewrite of the existing tests - even
> just keeping the ones that already exists.
> What is your suggestion?

Thought I'd give it a try already :)

The attached patch extracts the FFV1 tests to ffv1.mak, and includes the
Makefile in vcodec.mak.
Tests themselves stay as-is.

>From 23bd1397b2aa68541bad334f868d968b79c24bf5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter B. <p...@das-werkstatt.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 21:55:35 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Moved FFV1 FATE tests to own file.

 tests/fate/ffv1.mak   |   16 ++++++++++++++++
 tests/fate/vcodec.mak |   16 +---------------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/fate/ffv1.mak

diff --git a/tests/fate/ffv1.mak b/tests/fate/ffv1.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f2261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fate/ffv1.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+FATE_VCODEC-$(call ENCDEC, FFV1, AVI)   += ffv1 ffv1-v0 \
+                                           ffv1-v3-yuv420p ffv1-v3-yuv422p10 ffv1-v3-yuv444p16 \
+                                           ffv1-v3-bgr0
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1:               ENCOPTS = -slices 4
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v0:            CODEC   = ffv1
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv420p:    ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv422p10:  ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv422p10 \
+                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv422p10:  DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv444p16:  ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv444p16 \
+                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv444p16:  DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-bgr0:       ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt bgr0 \
+                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-bgr0:       DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
diff --git a/tests/fate/vcodec.mak b/tests/fate/vcodec.mak
index 310352e..aa2f07b 100644
--- a/tests/fate/vcodec.mak
+++ b/tests/fate/vcodec.mak
@@ -68,21 +68,7 @@ fate-vsynth%-dv-50:              ENCOPTS = -dct int -s pal -pix_fmt yuv422p \
 fate-vsynth%-dv-50:              DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor
 fate-vsynth%-dv-50:              FMT     = dv
-FATE_VCODEC-$(call ENCDEC, FFV1, AVI)   += ffv1 ffv1-v0 \
-                                           ffv1-v3-yuv420p ffv1-v3-yuv422p10 ffv1-v3-yuv444p16 \
-                                           ffv1-v3-bgr0
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1:               ENCOPTS = -slices 4
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v0:            CODEC   = ffv1
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv420p:    ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv422p10:  ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv422p10 \
-                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv422p10:  DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv444p16:  ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt yuv444p16 \
-                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-yuv444p16:  DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-bgr0:       ENCOPTS = -level 3 -pix_fmt bgr0 \
-                                           -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
-fate-vsynth%-ffv1-v3-bgr0:       DECOPTS = -sws_flags neighbor+bitexact
+include tests/fate/ffv1.mak
 FATE_VCODEC-$(call ENCDEC, FFVHUFF, AVI) += ffvhuff ffvhuff444 ffvhuff420p12 ffvhuff422p10left ffvhuff444p16
 fate-vsynth%-ffvhuff444:         ENCOPTS = -vcodec ffvhuff -pix_fmt yuv444p

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