wm4 <nfxjfg <at> googlemail.com> writes:

> It's been said multiple times: the old code is 
> terrible, while the new demuxer's code is actually 
> maintainable.

Ok (I don't agree, but let's assume that for a moment):
But who is maintaining it?
Who is going through the user reports on trac and 
fixing the issues? It's been exactly two months now 
since these reports were requested by you and - iirc - 
one issue was fixed.

I do agree that if the demuxers were both similarly 
in function, that other arguments have to be found 
to distinguish which is "better".
In this case, it seems to me that either the new 
demuxer is not more maintainable or that nobody 
who wants to maintain asf cares if it is more 
"maintainable" (whatever that actually means) or 

> But we all know you hate the new demuxer because 
> Libav wrote it.

I don't like the new demuxer because it is broken 
and because it wasn't reviewed.
Until today, no sample was named by others that works 
better with the new demuxer.

(I hate that "innocent" time was wasted on reinventing 
the wheel, but this is of course irrelevant, it wasn't 
my time.)

Carl Eugen

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