This is a follow-up to the my previous message:

On 3/13/25 13:18, Leandro Santiago wrote:
> This is a POC/prototype that aims to enable out of tree filters on
> FFmpeg.
> Here I name them "extra filters".
> It introduces the program `jq` as a new build dependency.
> To test it, create a directory, for instance, /tmp/my-shiny-filter/ and
> inside it, create the following files:
> `filter.json`, with the content:
> ```
> {
>   "check": "require_pkg_config json json-c json-c/json.h json_c_version_num",
>   "symbols": ["ff_vf_foo", "ff_vf_bar"]
> }
> ```
> `filter.mak`, with the content:
> ```
> OBJS += vf_shiny.o
> LIBOBJS += vf_shiny.o
> libavfilter/vf_shiny.o:
>         $(CC) $(EXTRA_FILTER_FLAGS) -c -o $@ 
> ```
> `vf_shiny.c` file, with the content:
> ```
> #include "libavutil/internal.h"                                               
> #include "avfilter.h"                                                         
> #include "filters.h"                                                          
> #include "video.h" 
> const FFFilter ff_vf_bar = {
>        = "bar",
>     .p.description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Example filter Baz"),
>     .p.flags       = AVFILTER_FLAG_METADATA_ONLY,
>     FILTER_INPUTS(ff_video_default_filterpad),
>     FILTER_OUTPUTS(ff_video_default_filterpad),
> };
> const FFFilter ff_vf_foo = {
>        = "foo",
>     .p.description = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("Another foo filter"),
>     .p.flags       = AVFILTER_FLAG_METADATA_ONLY,
>     FILTER_INPUTS(ff_video_default_filterpad),
>     FILTER_OUTPUTS(ff_video_default_filterpad),
> };
> ```
> Then, from the ffmpeg source tree, run configure specifying where the
> extra filter is located:
> ```
> ./configure --extra-filter=/tmp/my-shiny-filter
> make ffplay
> ```
> Now you can use the filters:
> ```
> ./ffplay /path/to/file.webm -vf 'foo,baz'
> ```
> What works:
> - Building C based filters with no extra dependencies.
> - Multiple filters in the same object file.
> What does not work:
> - The extra filters will not use the same CC flags used to build the
>   built-in filters as I could get it to work yet.
> - Due to the above limitation, you cannot include headers of extra
>   dependencies, for instance, `json.h` in the example.
> - You can pass arbitrary CFLAGS or LDFLAGS in the filter.json file,
>   but they should be passed only then building/linking `libavfilter`,
>   instead of other libraries.
> What was not implemented:
> - I believe it would be useful to check if the license of the filter is
>   compatible with the license used to build FFmpeg.
> - Only extra filters written in C (maybe C++?) are supported for now.
>   One of my goals is to enable Rust as well.
> Signed-off-by: Leandro Santiago <>
> ---
>  .gitignore               |  3 ++
>  configure                | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  libavfilter/Makefile     |  4 +++
>  libavfilter/allfilters.c |  1 +
>  4 files changed, 69 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
> index 9cfc78b414..4963e90191 100644
> --- a/.gitignore
> +++ b/.gitignore
> @@ -43,3 +43,6 @@
>  /tools/python/__pycache__/
>  /libavcodec/vulkan/*.c
>  /libavfilter/vulkan/*.c
> +/ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +/ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +/libavfilter/extra_filters_extern.h
> diff --git a/configure b/configure
> index 750c99e3b9..6a2adc6c05 100755
> --- a/configure
> +++ b/configure
> @@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ Individual component options:
>    --enable-filter=NAME     enable filter NAME
>    --disable-filter=NAME    disable filter NAME
>    --disable-filters        disable all filters
> +  --extra-filter=/foo/bar  add extra filter from directory. This option can 
> be used multiple times
>  External library support:
> @@ -1798,6 +1799,7 @@ AVDEVICE_COMPONENTS="
>      filters
> +    extra_filters
>  "
> @@ -4382,6 +4384,8 @@ do_random(){
>      $action $(rand_list "$@" | awk "BEGIN { srand($random_seed) } \$1 == 
> \"prob\" { prob = \$2; next } rand() < prob { print }")
>  }
> +rm -f ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +
>  # deprecated components (disabled by default)
>  disable sonic_encoder sonic_ls_encoder
> @@ -4457,6 +4461,10 @@ for opt do
>                  die_unknown $opt
>              fi
>          ;;
> +        --extra-filter=*)
> +            filter_path="${opt#--extra-filter=}"
> +            echo "$filter_path" >> ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +        ;;
>          --list-*)
>              NAME="${opt#--list-}"
>              is_in $NAME $COMPONENT_LIST || die_unknown $opt
> @@ -4487,6 +4495,36 @@ for opt do
>      esac
>  done
> +find_extra_filters_extern() {
> +  # TODO: handle invalid filter
> +  while read f; do
> +    jq -r '.symbols[]' < "$f/filter.json" | sed 
> 's/^ff_[avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}_\([[:alnum:]_]\{1,\}\)/\1_filter/'
> +  done < ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +}
> +
> +EXTRA_FILTER_LIST=$(find_extra_filters_extern)
> +
> +for n in extra_filters; do
> +    v=$(toupper ${n%s})_LIST
> +    eval enable \$$v
> +    eval ${n}_if_any="\$$v"
> +done
> +
> +"
> +
> +"
> +
> +"
> +
>  for e in $env; do
>      eval "export $e"
>  done
> @@ -7165,6 +7203,10 @@ enabled rkmpp             && { require_pkg_config 
> rkmpp rockchip_mpp  rockchip/r
>                               }
>  enabled vapoursynth       && require_headers "vapoursynth/VSScript4.h 
> vapoursynth/VapourSynth4.h"
> +while read f; do
> +  # NOTE: this eval is dangerous, as it allows arbitrary code execution!
> +  eval $(jq -r '.check // true' < "$f/filter.json")
> +done < ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
>  if enabled gcrypt; then
>      GCRYPT_CONFIG="${cross_prefix}libgcrypt-config"
> @@ -8243,6 +8285,12 @@ for entry in $LIBRARY_LIST $PROGRAM_LIST 
>      eval echo "EXTRALIBS-${entry}=\$${entry}_extralibs" >> ffbuild/config.mak
>  done
> +echo "" > ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +
> +while read f; do
> +    echo "include $f/filter.mak" >> ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +done < ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +
>  cat > $TMPH <<EOF
>  /* Automatically generated by configure - do not modify! */
>  #ifndef FFMPEG_CONFIG_H
> @@ -8330,6 +8378,19 @@ cp_if_changed $TMPH libavutil/avconfig.h
>  # ...
>  eval "$(sed -n "s/^extern const FFFilter 
> ff_\([avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}\)_\(.*\);/full_filter_name_\2=\1_\2/p" 
> $source_path/libavfilter/allfilters.c)"
> +rm -f libavfilter/extra_filters_extern.h
> +
> +# Handle extra filters
> +while read f; do
> +    eval "$(jq -r '.symbols[]' < "$f/filter.json" | sed 
> 's/^ff_\([avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}\)_\([[:alnum:]]\{1,\}\)$/full_filter_name_\2=\1_\2/')"
> +    jq -r '.symbols[]' < "$f/filter.json" | while read symbol; do
> +      echo "extern const FFFilter $symbol;" >> 
> libavfilter/extra_filters_extern.h
> +      echo "EXTRA_FILTER_$(echo $symbol | sed 
> 's/^ff_[avfsinkrc]\{2,5\}_\([[:alnum:]]\{1,\}\)$/\1/' | tr a-z A-Z)_LOCATION 
> = $f" >> ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +      echo "LDFLAGS += $(jq -r '.ldflags // ""' < "$f/filter.json")" >> 
> ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +      echo "CFLAGS += $(jq -r '.cflags // ""' < "$f/filter.json")" >> 
> ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +    done
> +done < ffbuild/extra-filters.txt
> +
>  # generate the lists of enabled components
>  print_enabled_components(){
>      file=$1
> diff --git a/libavfilter/Makefile b/libavfilter/Makefile
> index 7c0d879ec9..9b22aece3a 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/Makefile
> +++ b/libavfilter/Makefile
> @@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ OBJS = allfilters.o                                        
>              \
>  include $(SRC_PATH)/libavfilter/dnn/Makefile
>  include $(SRC_PATH)/libavfilter/vulkan/Makefile
> +# extra filters handling
> +include $(SRC_PATH)/ffbuild/extra-filters.mak
> +
>  OBJS-$(HAVE_LIBC_MSVCRT)                     += file_open.o
>  OBJS-$(HAVE_THREADS)                         += pthread.o
> diff --git a/libavfilter/allfilters.c b/libavfilter/allfilters.c
> index 740d9ab265..e8565de5b0 100644
> --- a/libavfilter/allfilters.c
> +++ b/libavfilter/allfilters.c
> @@ -621,6 +621,7 @@ extern  const FFFilter ff_vsrc_buffer;
>  extern  const FFFilter ff_asink_abuffer;
>  extern  const FFFilter ff_vsink_buffer;
> +#include "libavfilter/extra_filters_extern.h"
>  #include "libavfilter/filter_list.c"
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