On 10/31/22, Clément Bœsch <u...@pkh.me> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2022 at 01:43:11AM +0000, Soft Works wrote:
> [...]
>> > > > The patch I had submitted doesn't change the previous behavior
>> > > > without the use_alpha parameter.
>> >
>> > Yes I noticed, but unfortunately I'm reworking the color distance to
>> > work
>> > in perceptual color space, and the way that alpha is mixed up in the
>> > equation just doesn't make any sense at all and prevents me from
>> > doing
>> > these changes.
>> If you want to implement a new color distance algorithm, it should
>> be either a new filter or a new (switchable) mode for the existing
>> filter.
> Why?
>> Photoshop has these different modes as well and it would
>> surely be useful, but I don't think it should be replacing the
>> existing behavior.
> There is no point in keeping a ton of complexity exposed as user options
> for something implementation specific. We offer no guarantee over how the
> quantization is expected to run.
>> When it turns out that the use_alpha implementation doesn't fit
>> with your new color distance calculation and you add it as
>> an additional mode, then it would be fine IMO when the filter
>> errors in case it would be attempted to use that mode in
>> combination with use_alpha.
> IMO The use_alpha option shouldn't exist in the first place, it should be
> the default behaviour because honoring the alpha is the correct thing to
> do. That's not what the option is currently doing though.
>> > > Do you think it might make sense to put more weight on the
>> > > alpha value by tripling it? So it would be weighted equally to the
>> > > RGB value?
>> >
>> > You cannot mix alpha with colors at all, they are separate domains
>> > and you
>> > need to treat them as such.
>> What's interesting is that I've followed the same (simplified)
>> way for adding a use_alpha option to vf_elbg and it provides excellent
>> results without treating alpha separately.
> I don't know how the filter works and what it's supposed to do, but if
> it's indeed using the same approach as the palette ones, it cannot work.
>> > From paletteuse perspective what you need to do is first choose the
>> > colors
>> > in the palette that match exactly the alpha (or at least the closest
>> > if
>> > and only there is no exact match). Then within that set, and only
>> > within
>> > that one, you'd pick the closest color.
>> >
>> > From palettegen perspective, you need to split the colors in
>> > different
>> > transparency domain (a first dimensional quantization), then quantize
>> > the
>> > colors in each quantized alpha dimension. And when you have all your
>> > quantized palettes for each level of alpha, you find an algorithm to
>> > reduce the number of transparency dimensions or the number of colors
>> > per
>> > dimension to make it fit inside a single palette. But you can't just
>> > do
>> > the alpha and the colors at the same time, it cannot work, whatever
>> > weights you choose.
>> I would be curious to see how well that would work, especially
>> in cases when the target palettes have just a few number of colors.
> You have to make a call between whether you want to preserve the
> transparency or the color while constructing the palette, but when
> choosing a color you must absolutely not choose a color with a different
> transparency, you must pick amongst the closest alpha, with a particular
> attention to extreme alphas: an opaque colors must stay opaque, and fully
> transparent one as well:
> - rounding a color with 43% alpha into 50% alpha is acceptable
> - rounding a color with 100% alpha into a 99% alpha is not acceptable in
>   any way because you're starting to make transparent areas that weren't
> - rounding a color with 0% alpha into a 1% alpha is not acceptable because
>   some areas of the images are not starting to blend into an area that was
>   supposedly non-existent
>> But to return to the proposal of removal: If everything from ffmpeg
>> would be removed which is not perfect, then it would be lacking
>> quite a number of features I suppose :-)
> We're not talking about perfection, we're talking about files with
> artifacts. It's almost as bad as a corrupted file, because if used in a
> pipeline where transparency matters, you're going to get a completely
> broken output.
>> In the same way, one could say that palettegen/-use should be removed
>> because its results are wrong and colors are randomly mixed and
>> misplaced while the vf_elbg filter does it right.
>> When you look at the result under the heading
>> "Paletteuse/gen Regular (to 8-bit non-alpha palette; only single
>> transparent color)"
>> https://gist.github.com/softworkz/deef5c2a43d3d629c3e17f9e21544a8f?permalink_comment_id=3905155#gistcomment-3905155
>> Even without the alpha, many color pixels appear to be wrong and
>> random like for example the light purple pixels on the darker purple
>> at the bottom of the "O". That's not much different from irregularities
>> in the alpha channel you've shown (https://imgur.com/a/50YyRGV).
>> So, I agree to that it's not perfect, but the whole filter is
>> not perfect (vf_elbg is close-to). Do we remove the filter because
>> it's not perfect?
> The colors are indeed wrong because it has some *incorrect* computations
> (working in sRGB space, and the MSE is wrong at least) and these should be
> corrected (working on it). I'm also adding improvements on the quality by
> working in the perceptual space.
>> As mentioned above, if you want to add an additional mode for
>> calculating the color distance, it's fine when it doesn't
>> work with use_alpha IMO.
> That's not how it's going to work, sorry; I'm not going to increase
> complexity and maintenance effort for no gain. Implementing a correct
> support for the alpha will likely involve a revert of that commit anyway.
> Note that if I was active at the time this patch was submitted I would
> certainly have rejected it in this state. So it's my fault, but I'm
> working on fixing it.

I'm against removing useful features.
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