Thanks I will chek it out!

For now my filter use standart filter_frame() function callback. But how to 
request next frame from decoder in my filter? 

5 July 2022, 16:19:49, by "Felix LeClair" <>:

From: ffmpeg-devel <> on behalf of Alex 
Sent: July 5, 2022 9:00 AM
To: FFmpeg development discussions and patches <>
Subject: [FFmpeg-devel] filter queue question

I developing custom GPU filter that require lot of time to process frames and 
as result overal fps is low ( around 20 fps):

ffmpeg -i 720p.mp4  -filter_complex "format=rgb24,myfilter" -f null -

But then I added actual encoding part to ffmpeg command, result fps is down to 
16 fps (-4 fps, around 20%!!!):

ffmpeg -i 720p.mp4  -filter_complex "format=rgb24,myfilter" -c:v h264 -y out.mp4

If I look at timeline of overla process in each cycle:

|----decoding time---| ---> |------------------------------filtering 
time-------------------------|  ---> |---encoding time---|

So, basically can I process frame in my custom filter without waiting for 
encoding to finish?
In other word I want to process frames in my custom filter in parallel/queue to 
encoding process???

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In concept yes, but you may be better off improving the speed of the underlying 
filter itself.

Part of the cost of encoding is beyond the encoder itself, you have to account 
for file-system overhead, disk I/O speed etc.

Depending on your implementation, you may be running into issues with memory 
copies from system to GPU memory and back, which is quite expensive.

try testing using a "hardware decoder--> your filter-->hardware encoder" chain 
to keep everything in GPU memory.

Beyond that, standard GPU acceleration rules apply. Make sure your wave 
fronts/work groups are aligned, check for system utilization, use 
non-blocking/async calls when possible, etc.

-Felix (FCLC)

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