Hi all,
<apologies if this is the wrong email list but I wasn't super sure, which one 
to send to>

Reaching out because I have a potential ffmpeg project and my partner and I 
believe ffmpeg might be the path forward.

My partner (Manu, Cc'ed) and I have an app and service called Track 
Attack<http://www.trackattackapp.com/> - a GPS based lap timer, video recorder 
and sharing platform in one.

A feature of our app and server is to enable users to upload and share their 
races on our site, like this example.:


*       View from any browser except iOS version of Chrome or Safari.  The 
browser must support in-line video.

You'll see that we are simultaneously playing a video and data layer at the 
same time.

Project: We're looking to develop the capability to generate a new media file 
for a given lap or session, programmatically through our server.  Users could 
click a button, the server would do its thing and then have a file ready for 
the user to download (.mp4, .avi, etc... - whatever works best).  This way 
users can create their own videos/movies and share however they want, above and 
beyond Track Attack.

If you're interested, please feel free to respond to me and Cc Manu.  We are 
based in Seattle, WA, USA.

Thanks and hope to hear from one of you all!

Gama Aguilar

ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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