I used Zip-7 to unpack the file no problem;

It's file properties now being;

Name: ffmpeg-2.6.3
Folder: +
Size: 44 550 426
Packed Size: 45 859 840
Modified: 2015-05-17 02:26:53
Mode: Orwx
User: Michael
Group: Michael
Folder: 64
Files: 4922

Etc: the icon's a document now...

However, I can't find the find the application to install the file, it's not 
listed with the files after the mother-file (ffmpeg.2.6.3), if I'm making a 
mistake can you please advice me of what to do from here. I'm kind of lost 
because usually you find a .exe to mount (I'm using Daemon Tools Lite) and 
start it up and you're done. This is a complete new area for me past gamings, 
please help. 


Sent from my iPhone
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