On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 10:39 AM, luckliuyuxin <luckliuyu...@163.com> wrote:
> Michael ,
> This is my first time send path to ffmpeg. I'm not familiar with "make fate".
> Could you please told me how the "make fate" report the break error?
> The following is my steps to make fate on my computer, but I couldn't find 
> the error of break "make fate".
> my steps:
> 1 make fate-rsync SAMPLES=fate-suite/
> 2 cp doc/fate_config.sh.template fate_config
> 3 vim fate_config   //update content according to my computer enviroment
> 4 ./tests/fate.sh /home/user/source/ffmpegsrc/ffmpeg_2_6/fate_config

The steps are much simpler:

1. make fate-rsync SAMPLES=fate-suite/
2. make fate SAMPLES=fate-suite/

The scripts and configs are only helpers for setting up automated fate
systems, but you don't need them to run it during development.

- Hendrik
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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