Some DirectShow devices (Logitech C920 webcam) expose each DirectShow
format they support twice, once without and once with extended color
information. During format selection, both match, this patch ensures
that the format with extended color information is selected if it is
available, else it falls back to a matching format without such
information. This also necessitated a new code path taken for default
formats of a device (when user didn't request any specific video size,
etc), because the default format may be one without extended color
information when a twin with extended color information is also
available. Getting the extended color information when available is
important as it allows setting the color space, range, primaries,
transfer characteristics and chroma location of the stream provided by
dshow, enabling users to get more correct color automatically out of
their device.

Closes: #9271

Signed-off-by: Diederick Niehorster <>
 libavdevice/dshow.c | 457 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 329 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavdevice/dshow.c b/libavdevice/dshow.c
index d941107197..5b9f61926b 100644
--- a/libavdevice/dshow.c
+++ b/libavdevice/dshow.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include "libavutil/parseutils.h"
 #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h"
 #include "libavutil/opt.h"
+#include "libavutil/mem.h"
 #include "libavformat/internal.h"
 #include "libavformat/riff.h"
 #include "avdevice.h"
@@ -695,9 +696,111 @@ error:
     return ret;
+static int dshow_should_set_format(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype)
+    struct dshow_ctx *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
+    return (devtype == VideoDevice && (ctx->framerate ||
+                                      (ctx->requested_width && 
ctx->requested_height) ||
+                                       ctx->pixel_format != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE ||
+                                       ctx->video_codec_id != 
+        || (devtype == AudioDevice && (ctx->channels || ctx->sample_size || 
+struct dshow_format_info {
+    enum dshowDeviceType devtype;
+    // video
+    int64_t framerate;
+    enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt;
+    enum AVCodecID codec_id;
+    enum AVColorRange col_range;
+    enum AVColorSpace col_space;
+    enum AVColorPrimaries col_prim;
+    enum AVColorTransferCharacteristic col_trc;
+    enum AVChromaLocation chroma_loc;
+    int width;
+    int height;
+    // audio
+    int sample_rate;
+    int sample_size;
+    int channels;
+// user must av_free the returned pointer
+static struct dshow_format_info *dshow_get_format_info(AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type)
+    struct dshow_format_info *fmt_info = NULL;
+    DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *extended_format_info = NULL;
+    enum dshowDeviceType devtype;
+    int64_t framerate;
+    if (!type)
+        return NULL;
+    if (IsEqualGUID(&type->formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo)) {
+        VIDEOINFOHEADER *v = (void *) type->pbFormat;
+        framerate = v->AvgTimePerFrame;
+        bih       = &v->bmiHeader;
+        devtype   = VideoDevice;
+    } else if (IsEqualGUID(&type->formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo2)) {
+        VIDEOINFOHEADER2 *v = (void *) type->pbFormat;
+        devtype   = VideoDevice;
+        framerate = v->AvgTimePerFrame;
+        bih       = &v->bmiHeader;
+        if (v->dwControlFlags & AMCONTROL_COLORINFO_PRESENT)
+            extended_format_info = (DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *) &v->dwControlFlags;
+    } else if (IsEqualGUID(&type->formattype, &FORMAT_WaveFormatEx)) {
+        fx = (void *) type->pbFormat;
+        devtype = AudioDevice;
+    } else {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    fmt_info = av_mallocz(sizeof(struct dshow_format_info));
+    if (!fmt_info)
+        return NULL;
+    // initialize fields where unset is not zero
+    fmt_info->pix_fmt = AV_PIX_FMT_NONE;
+    fmt_info->col_space = AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED;
+    fmt_info->col_prim = AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED;
+    fmt_info->col_trc = AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED;
+    // now get info about format
+    fmt_info->devtype = devtype;
+    if (devtype == VideoDevice) {
+        fmt_info->width = bih->biWidth;
+        fmt_info->height = bih->biHeight;
+        fmt_info->framerate = framerate;
+        fmt_info->pix_fmt = dshow_pixfmt(bih->biCompression, bih->biBitCount);
+        if (fmt_info->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
+            const AVCodecTag *const tags[] = { avformat_get_riff_video_tags(), 
+            fmt_info->codec_id = av_codec_get_id(tags, bih->biCompression);
+        }
+        else
+            fmt_info->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO;
+        if (extended_format_info) {
+            fmt_info->col_range = dshow_color_range(extended_format_info);
+            fmt_info->col_space = dshow_color_space(extended_format_info);
+            fmt_info->col_prim = dshow_color_primaries(extended_format_info);
+            fmt_info->col_trc = dshow_color_trc(extended_format_info);
+            fmt_info->chroma_loc = dshow_chroma_loc(extended_format_info);
+        }
+    } else {
+        fmt_info->sample_rate = fx->nSamplesPerSec;
+        fmt_info->sample_size = fx->wBitsPerSample;
+        fmt_info->channels = fx->nChannels;
+    }
+    return fmt_info;
- * Cycle through available formats using the specified pin,
- * try to set parameters specified through AVOptions and if successful
+ * Cycle through available formats available from the specified pin,
+ * try to set parameters specified through AVOptions, or the pin's
+ * default format if no such parameters were set. If successful,
  * return 1 in *pformat_set.
  * If pformat_set is NULL, list all pin capabilities.
@@ -708,9 +811,27 @@ dshow_cycle_formats(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
     struct dshow_ctx *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
     IAMStreamConfig *config = NULL;
     AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type = NULL;
+    AM_MEDIA_TYPE *previous_match_type = NULL;
     int format_set = 0;
     void *caps = NULL;
     int i, n, size, r;
+    int wait_for_better = 0;
+    int use_default;
+    // format parameters requested by user
+    // if none are requested by user, the values will below be set to
+    // those of the default format
+    // video
+    enum AVCodecID requested_video_codec_id   = ctx->video_codec_id;
+    enum AVPixelFormat requested_pixel_format = ctx->pixel_format;
+    int64_t requested_framerate               = ctx->framerate ? 
((int64_t)ctx->requested_framerate.den * 10000000)
+                                                                    / 
ctx->requested_framerate.num : 0;
+    int requested_width                       = ctx->requested_width;
+    int requested_height                      = ctx->requested_height;
+    // audio
+    int requested_sample_rate                 = ctx->sample_rate;
+    int requested_sample_size                 = ctx->sample_size;
+    int requested_channels                    = ctx->channels;
     if (IPin_QueryInterface(pin, &IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void **) &config) != 
@@ -721,7 +842,83 @@ dshow_cycle_formats(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
     if (!caps)
         goto end;
+    /** 
+     * If we should open the device with the default format,
+     * then:
+     * 1. check what the format of the default device is, and
+     * 2. below we iterate all formats till we find a matching
+     *    one, with most info exposed (see comment below).
+     */
+    use_default = !dshow_should_set_format(avctx, devtype);
+    if (use_default && pformat_set)
+    {
+        HRESULT hr;
+        // get default
+        if ((hr = IAMStreamConfig_GetFormat(config, &type)) != S_OK) {
+            if (hr == E_NOTIMPL || !IsEqualGUID(&type->majortype, 
devtype==VideoDevice ? &MEDIATYPE_Video : &MEDIATYPE_Audio)) {
+                // default not available or of wrong type,
+                // fall back to iterating exposed formats
+                // until one of the right type is found
+                IEnumMediaTypes *types = NULL;
+                if (IPin_EnumMediaTypes(pin, &types) != S_OK)
+                    goto end;
+                IEnumMediaTypes_Reset(types);
+                while (IEnumMediaTypes_Next(types, 1, &type, NULL) == S_OK) {
+                    if (IsEqualGUID(&type->majortype, devtype==VideoDevice ? 
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    CoTaskMemFree(type);
+                    type = NULL;
+                }
+                IEnumMediaTypes_Release(types);
+            }
+            if (!type)
+                // this pin does not expose any formats of the expected type
+                goto end;
+        }
+        if (type) {
+            // interrogate default format, so we know what to search for below
+            struct dshow_format_info *fmt_info = dshow_get_format_info(type);
+            if (fmt_info) {
+                if (fmt_info->devtype == VideoDevice) {
+                    requested_video_codec_id = fmt_info->codec_id;
+                    requested_pixel_format   = fmt_info->pix_fmt;
+                    requested_framerate      = fmt_info->framerate;
+                    requested_width          = fmt_info->width;
+                    requested_height         = fmt_info->height;
+                } else {
+                    requested_sample_rate = fmt_info->sample_rate;
+                    requested_sample_size = fmt_info->sample_size;
+                    requested_channels    = fmt_info->channels;
+                }
+                av_free(fmt_info);  // free but don't set to NULL to enable 
below check
+            }
+            if (type && type->pbFormat)
+                CoTaskMemFree(type->pbFormat);
+            CoTaskMemFree(type);
+            type = NULL;
+            if (!fmt_info)
+                // default format somehow invalid, can't continue with this pin
+                goto end;
+            fmt_info = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    // NB: some devices (e.g. Logitech C920) expose each video format twice:
+    // both a format containing a VIDEOINFOHEADER and a format containing
+    // a VIDEOINFOHEADER2. We want, if possible, to select a format with a
+    // VIDEOINFOHEADER2, as this potentially provides more info about the
+    // format. So, if in the iteration below we have found a matching format,
+    // but it is a VIDEOINFOHEADER, keep looking for a matching format that
+    // exposes contains a VIDEOINFOHEADER2. Fall back to the VIDEOINFOHEADER
+    // format if no corresponding VIDEOINFOHEADER2 is found when we finish
+    // iterating.
     for (i = 0; i < n && !format_set; i++) {
+        struct dshow_format_info *fmt_info = NULL;
         r = IAMStreamConfig_GetStreamCaps(config, i, &type, (void *) caps);
         if (r != S_OK)
             goto next;
@@ -729,101 +926,96 @@ dshow_cycle_formats(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
+        fmt_info = dshow_get_format_info(type);
+        if (!fmt_info)
+            goto next;
         if (devtype == VideoDevice) {
             VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS *vcaps = caps;
             BITMAPINFOHEADER *bih;
             int64_t *fr;
-            DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *extended_format_info = NULL;
-            const AVCodecTag *const tags[] = { avformat_get_riff_video_tags(), 
+            if (fmt_info->devtype != VideoDevice)
+                goto next;
             if (IsEqualGUID(&type->formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo)) {
                 VIDEOINFOHEADER *v = (void *) type->pbFormat;
-                fr = &v->AvgTimePerFrame;
+                fr  = &v->AvgTimePerFrame;
                 bih = &v->bmiHeader;
+                wait_for_better = 1;
             } else if (IsEqualGUID(&type->formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo2)) {
                 VIDEOINFOHEADER2 *v = (void *) type->pbFormat;
-                fr = &v->AvgTimePerFrame;
+                fr  = &v->AvgTimePerFrame;
                 bih = &v->bmiHeader;
-                if (v->dwControlFlags & AMCONTROL_COLORINFO_PRESENT)
-                    extended_format_info = (DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *) 
-            } else {
-                goto next;
+                wait_for_better = 0;
             if (!pformat_set) {
-                enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt = dshow_pixfmt(bih->biCompression, 
-                if (pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
-                    enum AVCodecID codec_id = av_codec_get_id(tags, 
-                    const AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_decoder(codec_id);
-                    if (codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE || !codec) {
+                if (fmt_info->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
+                    const AVCodec *codec = 
+                    if (fmt_info->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE || !codec) {
                         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "  unknown compression type 
0x%X", (int) bih->biCompression);
                     } else {
                         av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "  vcodec=%s", codec->name);
                 } else {
-                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "  pixel_format=%s", 
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "  pixel_format=%s", 
                 av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "  min s=%ldx%ld fps=%g max 
s=%ldx%ld fps=%g",
                        vcaps->, vcaps->,
                        1e7 / vcaps->MaxFrameInterval,
                        vcaps->, vcaps->,
                        1e7 / vcaps->MinFrameInterval);
-                if (extended_format_info) {
-                    enum AVColorRange col_range = 
-                    enum AVColorSpace col_space = 
-                    enum AVColorPrimaries col_prim = 
-                    enum AVColorTransferCharacteristic col_trc = 
-                    enum AVChromaLocation chroma_loc = 
-                    if (col_range != AVCOL_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED || col_space != 
-                        const char *range = av_color_range_name(col_range);
-                        const char *space = av_color_space_name(col_space);
-                        const char *prim = av_color_primaries_name(col_prim);
-                        const char *trc = av_color_transfer_name(col_trc);
-                        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, " (%s, %s/%s/%s",
-                            range ? range : "unknown",
-                            space ? space : "unknown",
-                            prim ? prim : "unknown",
-                            trc ? trc : "unknown");
-                        if (chroma_loc != AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED) {
-                            const char *chroma = 
-                            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, ", %s", chroma ? chroma 
: "unknown");
-                        }
-                        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, ")");
-                    }
-                    else if (chroma_loc != AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED) {
-                        const char *chroma = 
-                        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "(%s)", chroma ? chroma : 
-                    }
+                const char *chroma = 
+                if (fmt_info->col_range != AVCOL_RANGE_UNSPECIFIED ||
+                    fmt_info->col_space != AVCOL_SPC_UNSPECIFIED ||
+                    fmt_info->col_prim != AVCOL_PRI_UNSPECIFIED ||
+                    fmt_info->col_trc != AVCOL_TRC_UNSPECIFIED) {
+                    const char *range = 
+                    const char *space = 
+                    const char *prim = 
+                    const char *trc = 
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, " (%s, %s/%s/%s",
+                        range ? range : "unknown",
+                        space ? space : "unknown",
+                        prim  ? prim  : "unknown",
+                        trc   ? trc   : "unknown");
+                    if (fmt_info->chroma_loc != AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED)
+                        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, ", %s", chroma ? chroma : 
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, ")");
+                else if (fmt_info->chroma_loc != AVCHROMA_LOC_UNSPECIFIED)
+                    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "(%s)", chroma ? chroma : 
                 av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_INFO, "\n");
-            if (ctx->video_codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO) {
-                if (ctx->video_codec_id != av_codec_get_id(tags, 
+            if (requested_video_codec_id != AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO) {
+                if (requested_video_codec_id != fmt_info->codec_id)
                     goto next;
-            if (ctx->pixel_format != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE &&
-                ctx->pixel_format != dshow_pixfmt(bih->biCompression, 
bih->biBitCount)) {
+            if (requested_pixel_format != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE &&
+                requested_pixel_format != fmt_info->pix_fmt) {
                 goto next;
-            if (ctx->framerate) {
-                int64_t framerate = ((int64_t) 
-                                            /  ctx->requested_framerate.num;
-                if (framerate > vcaps->MaxFrameInterval ||
-                    framerate < vcaps->MinFrameInterval)
+            if (requested_framerate) {
+                if (requested_framerate > vcaps->MaxFrameInterval ||
+                    requested_framerate < vcaps->MinFrameInterval)
                     goto next;
-                *fr = framerate;
+                *fr = requested_framerate;
-            if (ctx->requested_width && ctx->requested_height) {
-                if (ctx->requested_width  > vcaps-> ||
-                    ctx->requested_width  < vcaps-> ||
-                    ctx->requested_height > vcaps-> ||
-                    ctx->requested_height < vcaps->
+            if (requested_width && requested_height) {
+                if (requested_width  > vcaps-> ||
+                    requested_width  < vcaps-> ||
+                    requested_height > vcaps-> ||
+                    requested_height < vcaps->
                     goto next;
-                bih->biWidth  = ctx->requested_width;
-                bih->biHeight = ctx->requested_height;
+                bih->biWidth  = requested_width;
+                bih->biHeight = requested_height;
         } else {
             AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS *acaps = caps;
@@ -842,34 +1034,62 @@ dshow_cycle_formats(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
                        acaps->MaximumChannels, acaps->MaximumBitsPerSample, 
-            if (ctx->sample_rate) {
-                if (ctx->sample_rate > acaps->MaximumSampleFrequency ||
-                    ctx->sample_rate < acaps->MinimumSampleFrequency)
+            if (requested_sample_rate) {
+                if (requested_sample_rate > acaps->MaximumSampleFrequency ||
+                    requested_sample_rate < acaps->MinimumSampleFrequency)
                     goto next;
-                fx->nSamplesPerSec = ctx->sample_rate;
+                fx->nSamplesPerSec = requested_sample_rate;
-            if (ctx->sample_size) {
-                if (ctx->sample_size > acaps->MaximumBitsPerSample ||
-                    ctx->sample_size < acaps->MinimumBitsPerSample)
+            if (requested_sample_size) {
+                if (requested_sample_size > acaps->MaximumBitsPerSample ||
+                    requested_sample_size < acaps->MinimumBitsPerSample)
                     goto next;
-                fx->wBitsPerSample = ctx->sample_size;
+                fx->wBitsPerSample = requested_sample_size;
-            if (ctx->channels) {
-                if (ctx->channels > acaps->MaximumChannels ||
-                    ctx->channels < acaps->MinimumChannels)
+            if (requested_channels) {
+                if (requested_channels > acaps->MaximumChannels ||
+                    requested_channels < acaps->MinimumChannels)
                     goto next;
-                fx->nChannels = ctx->channels;
+                fx->nChannels = requested_channels;
-        if (IAMStreamConfig_SetFormat(config, type) != S_OK)
-            goto next;
-        format_set = 1;
+        // found a matching format. Either apply or store
+        // for safekeeping if we might maybe find a better
+        // format with more info attached to it (see comment
+        // above loop)
+        if (!wait_for_better) {
+            if (IAMStreamConfig_SetFormat(config, type) != S_OK)
+                goto next;
+            format_set = 1;
+        }
+        else if (!previous_match_type) {
+            // store this matching format for possible later use.
+            // If we have already found a matching format, ignore it
+            previous_match_type = type;
+            type = NULL;
+        }
-        if (type->pbFormat)
+        av_freep(&fmt_info);
+        if (type && type->pbFormat)
+    // previously found a matching VIDEOINFOHEADER format and stored
+    // it for safe keeping. Searching further for a matching
+    // VIDEOINFOHEADER2 format yielded nothing. So set the pin's
+    // format based on the VIDEOINFOHEADER format.
+    // NB: this never applies to an audio format because
+    // previous_match_type always NULL in that case
+    if (!format_set && previous_match_type) {
+        if (IAMStreamConfig_SetFormat(config, previous_match_type) == S_OK)
+            format_set = 1;
+    }
+    if (previous_match_type && previous_match_type->pbFormat)
+        CoTaskMemFree(previous_match_type->pbFormat);
+    CoTaskMemFree(previous_match_type);
     if (pformat_set)
@@ -988,11 +1208,7 @@ dshow_cycle_pins(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
     const char *devtypename = (devtype == VideoDevice) ? "video" : "audio 
     const char *sourcetypename = (sourcetype == VideoSourceDevice) ? "video" : 
-    int set_format = (devtype == VideoDevice && (ctx->framerate ||
-                                                (ctx->requested_width && 
ctx->requested_height) ||
-                                                 ctx->pixel_format != 
-                                                 ctx->video_codec_id != 
-                  || (devtype == AudioDevice && (ctx->channels || 
+    int set_format = dshow_should_set_format(avctx, devtype);
     int format_set = 0;
     int should_show_properties = (devtype == VideoDevice) ? 
ctx->show_video_device_dialog : ctx->show_audio_device_dialog;
@@ -1012,9 +1228,7 @@ dshow_cycle_pins(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
     while (!device_pin && IEnumPins_Next(pins, 1, &pin, NULL) == S_OK) {
         IKsPropertySet *p = NULL;
-        IEnumMediaTypes *types = NULL;
         PIN_INFO info = {0};
-        AM_MEDIA_TYPE *type;
         GUID category;
         DWORD r2;
         char *name_buf = NULL;
@@ -1057,35 +1271,24 @@ dshow_cycle_pins(AVFormatContext *avctx, enum 
dshowDeviceType devtype,
-        if (set_format) {
-            dshow_cycle_formats(avctx, devtype, pin, &format_set);
-            if (!format_set) {
-                goto next;
-            }
+        // will either try to find format matching options supplied by user
+        // or try to open default format. Successful if returns with 
+        dshow_cycle_formats(avctx, devtype, pin, &format_set);
+        if (!format_set) {
+            goto next;
         if (devtype == AudioDevice && ctx->audio_buffer_size) {
             if (dshow_set_audio_buffer_size(avctx, pin) < 0) {
                 av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to set audio buffer size 
%d to pin, using pin anyway...", ctx->audio_buffer_size);
-        if (IPin_EnumMediaTypes(pin, &types) != S_OK)
-            goto next;
-        IEnumMediaTypes_Reset(types);
-        /* in case format_set was not called, just verify the majortype */
-        while (!device_pin && IEnumMediaTypes_Next(types, 1, &type, NULL) == 
S_OK) {
-            if (IsEqualGUID(&type->majortype, mediatype[devtype])) {
-                device_pin = pin;
-                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Selecting pin %s on %s\n", 
name_buf, devtypename);
-                goto next;
-            }
-            CoTaskMemFree(type);
+        if (format_set) {
+            device_pin = pin;
+            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Selecting pin %s on %s\n", name_buf, 
-        if (types)
-            IEnumMediaTypes_Release(types);
         if (p)
         if (device_pin != pin)
@@ -1457,6 +1660,7 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
     AM_MEDIA_TYPE type;
     AVCodecParameters *par;
     AVStream *st;
+    struct dshow_format_info *fmt_info = NULL;
     int ret = AVERROR(EIO);
     type.pbFormat = NULL;
@@ -1471,12 +1675,14 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
     ctx->capture_filter[devtype]->stream_index = st->index;
     ff_dshow_pin_ConnectionMediaType(ctx->capture_pin[devtype], &type);
+    fmt_info = dshow_get_format_info(&type);
+    if (!fmt_info)
+        goto error;
     par = st->codecpar;
     if (devtype == VideoDevice) {
         AVRational time_base;
-        DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *extended_format_info = NULL;
         if (IsEqualGUID(&type.formattype, &FORMAT_VideoInfo)) {
             VIDEOINFOHEADER *v = (void *) type.pbFormat;
@@ -1486,8 +1692,6 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
             VIDEOINFOHEADER2 *v = (void *) type.pbFormat;
             time_base = (AVRational) { v->AvgTimePerFrame, 10000000 };
             bih = &v->bmiHeader;
-            if (v->dwControlFlags & AMCONTROL_COLORINFO_PRESENT)
-                extended_format_info = (DXVA2_ExtendedFormat *) 
         if (!bih) {
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not get media type.\n");
@@ -1498,33 +1702,21 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
         st->r_frame_rate = av_inv_q(time_base);
         par->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
-        par->width      = bih->biWidth;
-        par->height     = bih->biHeight;
+        par->width      = fmt_info->width;
+        par->height     = fmt_info->height;
         par->codec_tag  = bih->biCompression;
-        par->format     = dshow_pixfmt(bih->biCompression, bih->biBitCount);
+        par->format     = fmt_info->pix_fmt;
         if (bih->biCompression == MKTAG('H', 'D', 'Y', 'C')) {
             av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "attempt to use full range for 
             par->color_range = AVCOL_RANGE_MPEG; // just in case it needs 
-        if (extended_format_info) {
-            par->color_range = dshow_color_range(extended_format_info);
-            par->color_space = dshow_color_space(extended_format_info);
-            par->color_primaries = dshow_color_primaries(extended_format_info);
-            par->color_trc = dshow_color_trc(extended_format_info);
-            par->chroma_location = dshow_chroma_loc(extended_format_info);
-        }
-        if (par->format == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE) {
-            const AVCodecTag *const tags[] = { avformat_get_riff_video_tags(), 
-            par->codec_id = av_codec_get_id(tags, bih->biCompression);
-            if (par->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
-                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown compression type. "
-                                 "Please report type 0x%X.\n", (int) 
-                ret = AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
-                goto error;
-            }
-            par->bits_per_coded_sample = bih->biBitCount;
-        } else {
-            par->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO;
+        par->color_range = fmt_info->col_range;
+        par->color_space = fmt_info->col_space;
+        par->color_primaries = fmt_info->col_prim;
+        par->color_trc = fmt_info->col_trc;
+        par->chroma_location = fmt_info->chroma_loc;
+        par->codec_id = fmt_info->codec_id;
+        if (par->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_RAWVIDEO) {
             if (bih->biCompression == BI_RGB || bih->biCompression == 
                 par->bits_per_coded_sample = bih->biBitCount;
                 if (par->height < 0) {
@@ -1537,6 +1729,14 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
+        } else {
+            if (par->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
+                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown compression type. "
+                                 "Please report type 0x%X.\n", (int) 
+                ret = AVERROR_PATCHWELCOME;
+                goto error;
+            }
+            par->bits_per_coded_sample = bih->biBitCount;
     } else {
         WAVEFORMATEX *fx = NULL;
@@ -1561,6 +1761,7 @@ dshow_add_device(AVFormatContext *avctx,
     ret = 0;
+    av_freep(fmt_info);
     if (type.pbFormat)
     return ret;
@@ -1863,8 +2064,8 @@ const AVInputFormat ff_dshow_demuxer = {
     .read_header    = dshow_read_header,
     .read_packet    = dshow_read_packet,
     .read_close     = dshow_read_close,
-    .get_device_list= dshow_get_device_list,
     .control_message = dshow_control_message,
+    .get_device_list= dshow_get_device_list,
     .priv_class     = &dshow_class,

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