
our automotive cameras generate a weird kind of 12bit RAW format that I would 
like to encode using FFVHUFF. Unfortunately, the 12bit grayscale pixel format 
is not yet supported.
Can you point me on the right track to implement this pixel format? And will 
the encoder be able to handle the 12bit depth?

I'll draw a little ASCII art concerning the bit mapping below. Basically a 
group of 4x8bit MSBs are given as block followed by a 4x4bit LSBs block. The 
pattern continues correspondingly.

|      P0[11..4]      |      P1[11..4]      |      P2[11..4]      |      
P3[11..4]      |
| P0[0..3] | P1[0..3] | P2[0..3] | P3[0..3] |      P4[11..4]      |      
P5[11..4]      |
|      P6[11..4]      |      P7[11..4]      | P4[0..3] | P5[0..3] | P6[0..3] | 
P7[0..3] |
|      P8[11..4]      |      P9[11..4]      |     P10[11..4]      |     
P11[11..4]      |
| P8[0..3] | P9[0..3] |P10[0..3] |P11[0..3] |

Previously we had regular 16bit RAW that worked like a charm as input to 
FFmpeg. The naïve approach of upscaling the 12bit to 16bit destroys the 
compression efficiency of course...

Thanks and best regards,
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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