Le sextidi 26 pluviôse, an CCXXIII, Michael Niedermayer a écrit :
> > +static void run_lavu_twofish(uint8_t *output,
> > +                              const uint8_t *input, unsigned size)
> > +{
> > +    static struct AVTWOFISH *twofish;
> > +    if (!twofish && !(twofish = av_twofish_alloc()))
> the memory should be freed somewhere

All the other benchmarks already work like that, without freeing.

> otherwise memory debuggers would likely display a warning about a
> memleak (which could make it harder to see real problems)

The variable is declared static, so the pointed memory is considered still
reachable even at the end of the program. If a memory debugger is not
capable of seeing that, it is not worth using. The same happens for the
default mutex and co.


  Nicolas George

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