Le primidi 21 pluviôse, an CCXXIII, Gupta, Maneesh a écrit :
> Couple of problems with this today is that the location of OpenCL headers
> and libraries is not a standard nor is it easy to figure out this location
> across various platforms. As a result we need to tell ffmpeg the location
> of the Khronos OpenCL headers and libraries using --extra-cflags and
> --extra-ldflags in addition to using --enable-opencl.

This issue is not specific to FFmpeg, and therefore should not be solved
from inside FFmpeg, this is an issue of correctly configuring the compiler
so that the newly installed library is in the default search path.

I am not very fond of wrapper libraries that wrap around wrapper libraries.
If the only benefit of clew is to... I do not understand what, actually,
maybe just that:

+#ifdef _WIN32
+    const char *path = "OpenCL.dll";
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+    const char *path = "/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL";
+    const char *path = "libOpenCL.so";

... then you are wasting your time, just write a shell script that produces
a pkg-config file and be done with it.


  Nicolas George

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