On Wed, Feb 04, 2015 at 08:51:00PM +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Clément Bœsch <u <at> pkh.me> writes:
> > This reverts commit 23ec8db8a07467a1fbef0c79f16b33040ca63c24.
> > 
> > There is no reason to enable libxcb by default. 
> > This is inconsistent with all the other libs 
> > (we don't do it for x11, opengl, ...) and 
> > drag many unwanted dependencies by default.
> The only additional dependency I see here is 
> libxcb itself: I cannot remove this library 
> from my system (my package manager then wants 
> to remove another 450 packets) - does it work 
> for you?

It's not installed on my system by default.

It unfortunately gets installed only when I try to pull ffmpeg, which in
turn pull sdl, which depends on libx11, which depends on... libxcb.

Linux is not only used by desktop. Debian (for example) might want to
provide a ffmpeg-nox11 (just like vim-nox11), or maybe would consider
having these optionnal (runtime detected, assuming it would be possible).

The thing is, an encoding node doesn't need to have an X11 dependency. And
so packagers would need to disable it explicitly, which is insane
considering the target of FFmpeg.


Clément B.

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