
2015-01-31 11:33 GMT+01:00 Christophe Gisquet <christophe.gisq...@gmail.com>:
> 2015-01-30 19:50 GMT+01:00 James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com>:
>> +    psraw             %2, %3, %1-5
>> +    pcmpeqw          m10, %2, m0
>> +    pcmpeqw          m11, %2, m1
>> +    pcmpeqw          m12, %2, m2
>> +    pcmpeqw           %2, m3
>> +    pand             m10, m4
>> +    pand             m11, m5
>> +    pand             m12, m6
>> +    pand              %2, m7
>> +    por              m10, m11
>> +    por              m12, %2
>> +    por              m10, m12
>> +    paddw             %3, m10
>> +%endmacro
> The shift does really force to work on bytes, too bad. Some pshufb
> might still be possible using the result, but it would be cumbersome
> because the psraw result is [0-31], and offset might be signed.

Now that I think of it... For 8bits, can't you pmullw the values
derived from "left" by 2^5 (to get pixel values), pack them, and work
on bytes? From ff_hevc_sao_offset_abs_decode, the offsets look to be
within 7 bits.

The patch can still go in, it's a somewhat new algorithm.

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