On 1/27/15, Stefano Sabatini <stefa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On date Monday 2015-01-26 13:20:49 +0100, Michael Niedermayer encoded:
>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 11:31:49AM +0100, Christophe Gisquet wrote:
> [...]
>> > To me, it looks like just a normal
>> > clipping is needed.
>> yes
>> also on a differnt topic, i think "gamma*" should be removed from
>> eq, the implementation is simply wrong and it cannot be done
>> conveniently in a yuv based filter.
>> we already have lut based filters for rgb space, they could easily
>> do correct gamma, a "gamma" filter could be added based on that
> BTW, eq is not bitexact with mp=eq2 and differs in many parts of the
> code (yes, I realized this after removing mp=eq/eq2, so this is partly
> my fault). For example the LUT16 part of the code is entirely missing.
> Do we care about it? I don't, so I suggest to just keep the code and
> try to improve on it rather than port the missing "features" (was a
> 16bit LUT useful in that context?).
> For the future, please *ALWAYS*, *ALWAYS*, *ALWAYS*, test for
> bitexactness when implementing or committing a new filter port, or
> state in the log why it differs.

It IS bit exact. Michael commited options in different order than what
I did in my patch.
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