On 01/12/2015 05:59 PM, Anshul wrote:
> On 01/12/2015 02:48 AM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 01:09:11AM +0530, Anshul wrote:
>>> On 12/31/2014 07:13 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
>>>> So SCTE-35 is basically about segmenting a video timewise (primarely
>>>> to mark Ads but not always) We already have a API to segment videos
>>>> timewise, its AVFormatContext.chapters that may need some changes to
>>>> handle incrementally added (and on the muxer side incrementally
>>>> stored) data or we might even choose a different system entirely than
>>>> that AVChapter array for such incrementally stored segments but i dont
>>>> think data decoders with a completely opaque input and output are a
>>>> reasonable API for communicating such temporal segmenting [...]
>>> I have not looked at it yet, due to some disadvantage told me on irc,
>>> sry but I have forgotten those disadvantage of chapters.
>> It would be better if the reasons behind a design decission are
>> understood and documented
> Yes, I studied the document of AVChapter, just now its only used
> for mostly header and sometimes trailer.
> Its structure match very much to interface of scte_35, but it is not
> sufficient
> I have to have locking mechanism there, so that I would know whether I
> am still
> using it or not.
> These chapters also look very static, I did not find any logic to cancel
> the event
> at last moment.
> modification to my previous patch were possible with AVChapter, but now
> I feel
> i don't require to communicate from demuxer or decoder, because I have
> written a
> parser in AVFormat and only used in hls muxer.
> and If later I would use that parser in filter, ubitux gave me idea to
> use ff_ap
>>> if any one here still believe that chapters approach will be better,  I
>>> will look at it.
>>> Though I have done some new implementation, it is out of avcodec folder.
>>> I have tweaked slightly AVFormat public structure.
>>> for details please review attached draft patch.
>>> I would appreciate, if someone pinpoint architecture issue first.
>>> I really get demoralized when I have to throw all my work after
>>> considering all review comments.
>>> then at last some architecture comments.
>>> lots of memory leakage are still there, please ignore it for time being,
>>> i am working on it.
>>> follwing is the command which is also added in commit message to use
>>> this patch
>>> ./ffmpeg_g -vsync 0 -copyts -i ~/test_videos/mpegwithscte35.ts
>>> -hls_list_size 1000 -dcodec copy  tmp/some.m3u8
>>> -Anshul
>>>  ffmpeg.c                |    6 +++++-
>>>  ffmpeg_opt.c            |   10 ++++++++++
>>>  libavcodec/avcodec.h    |    1 +
>>>  libavcodec/codec_desc.c |    6 ++++++
>>>  libavformat/Makefile    |    1 +
>>>  libavformat/avformat.h  |   17 +++++++++++++++++
>>>  libavformat/format.c    |    2 ++
>>>  libavformat/hlsenc.c    |   39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>  libavformat/mpegts.c    |   45 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
>>>  libavformat/utils.c     |    1 +
>> theres some file missing
>> libavformat/hlsenc.c:39:21: fatal error: scte_35.h: No such file or directory
> I always forget this if I don't check the ffmpeg codec checklist.
> hope i will gradually get into this habit.
> and I am sorry for being so annoying to all.
> attached new patch.
> -Anshul
forgot to signoff.
attached another

>From 1933bbcea6a3370d62f4dd188b3de592874255c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Anshul Maheshwari <anshul.ffm...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:24:59 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Adding SCTE 35 implementation in avformat

Signed-off-by: Anshul Maheshwari <anshul.ffm...@gmail.com>

Use following cmd to test it.
./ffmpeg -vsync 0 -copyts -i ~/test_videos/mpegwithscte35.ts -hls_list_size 1000 -dcodec copy  tmp/some.m3u8
 ffmpeg.c                |   6 +-
 ffmpeg_opt.c            |  10 ++
 libavcodec/avcodec.h    |   1 +
 libavcodec/codec_desc.c |   6 +
 libavformat/Makefile    |   1 +
 libavformat/avformat.h  |  17 +++
 libavformat/format.c    |   2 +
 libavformat/hlsenc.c    |  39 +++++-
 libavformat/mpegts.c    |  45 ++++++-
 libavformat/scte_35.c   | 348 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 libavformat/scte_35.h   |  48 +++++++
 libavformat/utils.c     |   1 +
 12 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 libavformat/scte_35.c
 create mode 100644 libavformat/scte_35.h

diff --git a/ffmpeg.c b/ffmpeg.c
index ddf4272..a7f078b 100644
--- a/ffmpeg.c
+++ b/ffmpeg.c
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 #include "libavutil/bprint.h"
 #include "libavutil/time.h"
 #include "libavutil/threadmessage.h"
+#include "libavutil/buffer_internal.h"
 #include "libavformat/os_support.h"
 #include "libavformat/ffm.h" // not public API
@@ -2907,6 +2908,8 @@ static int transcode_init(void)
                     enc_ctx->height    = input_streams[ost->source_index]->st->codec->height;
+            case AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA:
+                break;
@@ -3464,7 +3467,8 @@ static int process_input(int file_index)
                 OutputStream *ost = output_streams[j];
                 if (ost->source_index == ifile->ist_index + i &&
-                    (ost->stream_copy || ost->enc->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE))
+                    (ost->stream_copy || ost->enc->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE
+                    || ost->enc->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA ))
diff --git a/ffmpeg_opt.c b/ffmpeg_opt.c
index ac93eb5..f5a7b35 100644
--- a/ffmpeg_opt.c
+++ b/ffmpeg_opt.c
@@ -804,6 +804,7 @@ static int open_input_file(OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
     char *   video_codec_name = NULL;
     char *   audio_codec_name = NULL;
     char *subtitle_codec_name = NULL;
+    char *    data_codec_name = NULL;
     int scan_all_pmts_set = 0;
     if (o->format) {
@@ -864,6 +865,8 @@ static int open_input_file(OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
         find_codec_or_die(audio_codec_name   , AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO   , 0)->id : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
     ic->subtitle_codec_id= subtitle_codec_name ?
         find_codec_or_die(subtitle_codec_name, AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE, 0)->id : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
+    ic->data_codec_id    = data_codec_name ?
+        find_codec_or_die(data_codec_name, AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA, 0)->id : AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
     if (video_codec_name)
         av_format_set_video_codec   (ic, find_codec_or_die(video_codec_name   , AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO   , 0));
@@ -871,6 +874,8 @@ static int open_input_file(OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
         av_format_set_audio_codec   (ic, find_codec_or_die(audio_codec_name   , AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO   , 0));
     if (subtitle_codec_name)
         av_format_set_subtitle_codec(ic, find_codec_or_die(subtitle_codec_name, AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE, 0));
+    if (data_codec_name)
+        av_format_set_data_codec(ic, find_codec_or_die(data_codec_name, AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA, 0));
     ic->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_NONBLOCK;
     ic->interrupt_callback = int_cb;
@@ -1926,6 +1931,11 @@ static int open_output_file(OptionsContext *o, const char *filename)
         /* do something with data? */
+        if (!o->data_disable && av_guess_codec(oc->oformat, NULL, filename, NULL, AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA) != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE) {
+            for (i = 0; i < nb_input_streams; i++)
+                if (input_streams[i]->st->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA)
+                    new_data_stream(o, oc, i);
+        }
     } else {
         for (i = 0; i < o->nb_stream_maps; i++) {
             StreamMap *map = &o->stream_maps[i];
diff --git a/libavcodec/avcodec.h b/libavcodec/avcodec.h
index 99467bb..edb6389 100644
--- a/libavcodec/avcodec.h
+++ b/libavcodec/avcodec.h
@@ -523,6 +523,7 @@ enum AVCodecID {
     /* other specific kind of codecs (generally used for attachments) */
     AV_CODEC_ID_FIRST_UNKNOWN = 0x18000,           ///< A dummy ID pointing at the start of various fake codecs.
     AV_CODEC_ID_TTF = 0x18000,
+    AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35    = MKBETAG('C','U','E','I'),
     AV_CODEC_ID_BINTEXT    = MKBETAG('B','T','X','T'),
     AV_CODEC_ID_XBIN       = MKBETAG('X','B','I','N'),
     AV_CODEC_ID_IDF        = MKBETAG( 0 ,'I','D','F'),
diff --git a/libavcodec/codec_desc.c b/libavcodec/codec_desc.c
index 0af66f4..ae96210 100644
--- a/libavcodec/codec_desc.c
+++ b/libavcodec/codec_desc.c
@@ -2739,6 +2739,12 @@ static const AVCodecDescriptor codec_descriptors[] = {
         .long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("binary data"),
         .mime_types= MT("application/octet-stream"),
+    {
+        .id        = AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35,
+        .type      = AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA,
+        .name      = "scte_35",
+        .long_name = NULL_IF_CONFIG_SMALL("SCTE 35 Message Queue"),
+    },
     /* deprecated codec ids */
diff --git a/libavformat/Makefile b/libavformat/Makefile
index 7e4beac..4539ed8 100644
--- a/libavformat/Makefile
+++ b/libavformat/Makefile
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ OBJS = allformats.o         \
        seek.o               \
        url.o                \
        utils.o              \
+       scte_35.o            \
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_NETWORK)                   += network.o
 OBJS-$(CONFIG_RIFFDEC)                   += riffdec.o
diff --git a/libavformat/avformat.h b/libavformat/avformat.h
index 2e54ed1..4cccbe8 100644
--- a/libavformat/avformat.h
+++ b/libavformat/avformat.h
@@ -551,6 +551,7 @@ typedef struct AVOutputFormat {
      * @see avdevice_capabilities_free() for more details.
     int (*free_device_capabilities)(struct AVFormatContext *s, struct AVDeviceCapabilitiesQuery *caps);
+    enum AVCodecID data_codec; /**< default data codec */
 } AVOutputFormat;
  * @}
@@ -1705,6 +1706,14 @@ typedef struct AVFormatContext {
     AVCodec *subtitle_codec;
+     * Forced data codec.
+     * This allows forcing a specific decoder, even when there are multiple with
+     * the same codec_id.
+     * Demuxing: Set by user via av_format_set_data_codec (NO direct access).
+     */
+    AVCodec *data_codec;
+    /**
      * Number of bytes to be written as padding in a metadata header.
      * Demuxing: Unused.
      * Muxing: Set by user via av_format_set_metadata_header_padding.
@@ -1755,6 +1764,12 @@ typedef struct AVFormatContext {
      * - demuxing: Set by user.
     uint8_t *dump_separator;
+    /**
+     * Forced Data codec_id.
+     * Demuxing: Set by user.
+     */
+    enum AVCodecID data_codec_id;
 } AVFormatContext;
 int av_format_get_probe_score(const AVFormatContext *s);
@@ -1764,6 +1779,8 @@ AVCodec * av_format_get_audio_codec(const AVFormatContext *s);
 void      av_format_set_audio_codec(AVFormatContext *s, AVCodec *c);
 AVCodec * av_format_get_subtitle_codec(const AVFormatContext *s);
 void      av_format_set_subtitle_codec(AVFormatContext *s, AVCodec *c);
+AVCodec * av_format_get_data_codec(const AVFormatContext *s);
+void      av_format_set_data_codec(AVFormatContext *s, AVCodec *c);
 int       av_format_get_metadata_header_padding(const AVFormatContext *s);
 void      av_format_set_metadata_header_padding(AVFormatContext *s, int c);
 void *    av_format_get_opaque(const AVFormatContext *s);
diff --git a/libavformat/format.c b/libavformat/format.c
index 97f5657..fa94b7d 100644
--- a/libavformat/format.c
+++ b/libavformat/format.c
@@ -151,6 +151,8 @@ enum AVCodecID av_guess_codec(AVOutputFormat *fmt, const char *short_name,
         return fmt->audio_codec;
     else if (type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE)
         return fmt->subtitle_codec;
+    else if (type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA)
+        return fmt->data_codec;
         return AV_CODEC_ID_NONE;
diff --git a/libavformat/hlsenc.c b/libavformat/hlsenc.c
index f46e8d4..af1fae3 100644
--- a/libavformat/hlsenc.c
+++ b/libavformat/hlsenc.c
@@ -36,12 +36,14 @@
 #include "avformat.h"
 #include "internal.h"
 #include "os_support.h"
+#include "scte_35.h"
 typedef struct HLSSegment {
     char filename[1024];
     double duration; /* in seconds */
     int64_t pos;
     int64_t size;
+    struct scte_35_event *event;
     struct HLSSegment *next;
 } HLSSegment;
@@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ typedef struct HLSContext {
     int64_t size;         // last segment size
     int nb_entries;
+    struct scte_35_interface *scte_iface;
+    int event_out;
     HLSSegment *segments;
     HLSSegment *last_segment;
     HLSSegment *old_segments;
@@ -184,8 +188,8 @@ static int hls_mux_init(AVFormatContext *s)
 /* Create a new segment and append it to the segment list */
-static int hls_append_segment(HLSContext *hls, double duration, int64_t pos,
-                              int64_t size)
+static int hls_append_segment(HLSContext *hls, double duration, struct scte_35_event *event,
+                              int64_t pos, int64_t size)
     HLSSegment *en = av_malloc(sizeof(*en));
     int ret;
@@ -197,6 +201,7 @@ static int hls_append_segment(HLSContext *hls, double duration, int64_t pos,
     en->duration = duration;
     en->pos      = pos;
+    en->event    = event;
     en->size     = size;
     en->next     = NULL;
@@ -268,6 +273,12 @@ static int hls_window(AVFormatContext *s, int last)
     for (en = hls->segments; en; en = en->next) {
         avio_printf(hls->pb, "#EXTINF:%f,\n", en->duration);
+        if (en->event) {
+            if (en->event->in_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE )
+                avio_printf(hls->pb, "#EXT-X-CUE-IN\n");
+            else if(en->event->out_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE )
+                avio_printf(hls->pb, "#EXT-X-CUE-OUT:DURATION=%Ld\n",en->event->duration);
+        }
         if (hls->flags & HLS_SINGLE_FILE)
              avio_printf(hls->pb, "#EXT-X-BYTERANGE:%"PRIi64"@%"PRIi64"\n",
                          en->size, en->pos);
@@ -392,6 +403,7 @@ static int hls_write_header(AVFormatContext *s)
         AVStream *outer_st = s->streams[i];
         avpriv_set_pts_info(outer_st, inner_st->pts_wrap_bits, inner_st->time_base.num, inner_st->time_base.den);
+    hls->scte_iface = ff_alloc_scte35_parser(hls);
@@ -412,6 +424,10 @@ static int hls_write_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
     int is_ref_pkt = 1;
     int ret, can_split = 1;
+    if (st->codec->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35) {
+        ret = ff_parse_scte35_pkt(hls->scte_iface, pkt);
+        return ret;
+    }
     if (hls->start_pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
         hls->start_pts = pkt->pts;
         hls->end_pts   = pkt->pts;
@@ -432,11 +448,25 @@ static int hls_write_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
     if (can_split && av_compare_ts(pkt->pts - hls->start_pts, st->time_base,
                                    end_pts, AV_TIME_BASE_Q) >= 0) {
         int64_t new_start_pos;
+        struct scte_35_event *event = NULL;
         av_write_frame(oc, NULL); /* Flush any buffered data */
         new_start_pos = avio_tell(hls->avf->pb);
         hls->size = new_start_pos - hls->start_pos;
-        ret = hls_append_segment(hls, hls->duration, hls->start_pos, hls->size);
+        if(!hls->event_out) {
+            event = hls->scte_iface->get_event_ciel_out(hls->scte_iface, pkt->pts);
+            if(event) {
+                event->lock = 1;
+                hls->event_out = 1;
+            }
+        } else {
+            event = hls->scte_iface->get_event_floor_in(hls->scte_iface, pkt->pts);
+            if(event) {
+                hls->event_out = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        ret = hls_append_segment(hls, hls->duration, event, hls->start_pos, hls->size);
         hls->start_pos = new_start_pos;
         if (ret)
             return ret;
@@ -477,7 +507,7 @@ static int hls_write_trailer(struct AVFormatContext *s)
     if (oc->pb) {
         hls->size = avio_tell(hls->avf->pb) - hls->start_pos;
-        hls_append_segment(hls, hls->duration, hls->start_pos, hls->size);
+        hls_append_segment(hls, hls->duration, NULL, hls->start_pos, hls->size);
@@ -523,6 +553,7 @@ AVOutputFormat ff_hls_muxer = {
     .priv_data_size = sizeof(HLSContext),
     .audio_codec    = AV_CODEC_ID_AAC,
     .video_codec    = AV_CODEC_ID_H264,
+    .data_codec     = AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35,
     .flags          = AVFMT_NOFILE | AVFMT_ALLOW_FLUSH,
     .write_header   = hls_write_header,
     .write_packet   = hls_write_packet,
diff --git a/libavformat/mpegts.c b/libavformat/mpegts.c
index f61388b..6971e93 100644
--- a/libavformat/mpegts.c
+++ b/libavformat/mpegts.c
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ enum MpegTSFilterType {
 typedef struct MpegTSFilter MpegTSFilter;
@@ -498,6 +499,11 @@ static MpegTSFilter *mpegts_open_pcr_filter(MpegTSContext *ts, unsigned int pid)
     return mpegts_open_filter(ts, pid, MPEGTS_PCR);
+static MpegTSFilter *mpegts_open_data_filter(MpegTSContext *ts, unsigned int pid)
+    return mpegts_open_filter(ts, pid, MPEGTS_DATA);
 static void mpegts_close_filter(MpegTSContext *ts, MpegTSFilter *filter)
     int pid;
@@ -676,6 +682,7 @@ static const StreamType ISO_types[] = {
     { 0x1b, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, AV_CODEC_ID_H264       },
     { 0x24, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, AV_CODEC_ID_HEVC       },
     { 0x42, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, AV_CODEC_ID_CAVS       },
+    { 0x86, AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA,  AV_CODEC_ID_SCTE_35    },
     { 0xea, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, AV_CODEC_ID_VC1        },
     { 0 },
@@ -824,6 +831,12 @@ static void reset_pes_packet_state(PESContext *pes)
+static void new_data_packet(const uint8_t *buffer, int len, AVPacket *pkt)
+    av_init_packet(pkt);
+    pkt->data = buffer;
+    pkt->size = len;
 static void new_pes_packet(PESContext *pes, AVPacket *pkt)
@@ -1886,7 +1899,20 @@ static void pmt_cb(MpegTSFilter *filter, const uint8_t *section, int section_len
                 pes->st->id = pes->pid;
             st = pes->st;
-        } else if (stream_type != 0x13) {
+        } else if (stream_type == 0x86 ) {
+            int idx = ff_find_stream_index(ts->stream, pid);
+            if (idx >= 0) {
+                st = ts->stream->streams[idx];
+            } else {
+                st = avformat_new_stream(ts->stream, NULL);
+                if (!st)
+                    goto out;
+                st->id = pid;
+                st->codec->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_DATA;
+                mpegts_find_stream_type(st, stream_type, ISO_types);
+                mpegts_open_data_filter(ts, pid);
+            }
+        }else if (stream_type != 0x13 ) {
             if (ts->pids[pid])
                 mpegts_close_filter(ts, ts->pids[pid]); // wrongly added sdt filter probably
             pes = add_pes_stream(ts, pid, pcr_pid);
@@ -2222,14 +2248,17 @@ static int handle_packet(MpegTSContext *ts, const uint8_t *packet)
-    } else {
+    } else if (tss->type == MPEGTS_DATA) {
+        /* may be pointer field is 0 and to be ignored*/
+        p++;
+        new_data_packet(p,p_end - p, ts->pkt);
+        ts->stop_parse = 1;
+    } else if (tss->type == MPEGTS_PES) {
         int ret;
         // Note: The position here points actually behind the current packet.
-        if (tss->type == MPEGTS_PES) {
-            if ((ret = tss->u.pes_filter.pes_cb(tss, p, p_end - p, is_start,
+        if ((ret = tss->u.pes_filter.pes_cb(tss, p, p_end - p, is_start,
                                                 pos - ts->raw_packet_size)) < 0)
-                return ret;
-        }
+            return ret;
     return 0;
@@ -2616,6 +2645,10 @@ static int mpegts_read_packet(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
                     ret = 0;
+            } else if (ts->pids[i] && ts->pids[i]->type == MPEGTS_DATA) {
+               // ret = 0;
+                //ts->pkt->size = 0;
+                return ret;
diff --git a/libavformat/scte_35.c b/libavformat/scte_35.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c399892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavformat/scte_35.c
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+ * SCTE 35 decoder
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Anshul Maheshwaari
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+ * Refrence Material Used
+ *
+ * ANSI/SCTE 35 2013 ( Digital Program Insertion Cueing Message for Cable )
+ *
+ * SCTE 67 2014 (Recommended Practice for SCTE 35
+ *          Digital Program Insertion Cueing Message for Cable )
+ */
+#include "libavcodec/bytestream.h"
+#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
+#include "libavcodec/get_bits.h"
+#include "scte_35.h"
+#include "libavutil/buffer_internal.h"
+#define SCTE_CMD_NULL                  0x00
+#define SCTE_CMD_SCHEDULE              0x04
+#define SCTE_CMD_INSERT                0x05
+#define SCTE_CMD_SIGNAL                0x06
+static struct scte_35_event* alloc_scte35_event(int id)
+    struct scte_35_event* event = av_malloc(sizeof(struct scte_35_event));
+    event->id = id;
+    event->in_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
+    event->nearest_in_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
+    event->out_pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
+    event->lock = 0;
+    event->cancel = 1;
+    event->next = NULL;
+    return event;
+static void unref_scte35_event(struct scte_35_event *event) {
+    if(!event->lock) {
+        event->prev->next = event->next;
+        event->next->prev = event->prev;
+    }
+static struct scte_35_event* get_event_id(struct scte_35_interface *iface, int id)
+    struct scte_35_event *event = iface->event_list;
+    struct scte_35_event *pevent = NULL;
+    while(event) {
+        if(event->id == id)
+            break;
+        pevent = event;
+        event = event->next;
+    }
+    if (!event) {
+        event = alloc_scte35_event(id);
+        if (pevent)
+            pevent->next = event;
+        else
+            iface->event_list = event;
+    }
+    return event;
+ * save the parsed time in ctx pts_time
+   @return length of buffer consumed
+static int parse_splice_time(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const uint8_t *buf, uint64_t *pts, int64_t pts_adjust)
+    GetBitContext gb;
+    int ret;
+    init_get_bits(&gb, buf, 40);
+    /* is time specified */
+    ret =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+    if(ret) {
+        skip_bits(&gb, 6);
+        *pts = get_bits64(&gb,33) + pts_adjust;
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "time  = %lld\n", *pts/90000);
+        return 5;
+    } else {
+        skip_bits(&gb, 7);
+        return 1;
+    }
+static int parse_schedule_cmd(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const uint8_t *buf)
+    const uint8_t *sbuf = buf;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Schedule cmd\n");
+    return buf - sbuf;
+     @return length of buffer used
+ */
+static int parse_insert_cmd(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const uint8_t *buf, int64_t pts_adjust)
+    GetBitContext gb;
+    int ret;
+    const uint8_t *sbuf = buf;
+    int program_splice_flag;
+    int duration_flag;
+    int splice_immediate_flag;
+    int component_tag;
+    int auto_return;
+    uint16_t u_program_id;
+    uint8_t avail_num;
+    uint8_t avail_expect;
+    int inout;
+    int event_id;
+    struct scte_35_event *event;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Insert cmd\n");
+    event_id  = AV_RB32(buf);
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "event_id  = %x\n", event_id);
+    event = get_event_id(iface, event_id);
+    buf +=4;
+    event->cancel = *buf & 0x80;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "splice_event_cancel_indicator  = %d\n", event->cancel );
+    buf++;
+    if (!event->cancel) {
+        init_get_bits(&gb, buf, 8);
+        inout =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+        program_splice_flag =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+        duration_flag =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+        splice_immediate_flag =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+        skip_bits(&gb, 4);
+    } else {
+        unref_scte35_event(event);
+    }
+    buf++;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "out_of_network_indicator  = %d\n", inout);
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "program_splice_flag  = %d\n", program_splice_flag);
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "duration_flag  = %d\n", duration_flag);
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "splice_immediate_flag  = %d\n", splice_immediate_flag);
+    if (program_splice_flag &&  !splice_immediate_flag) {
+        if(inout)
+            ret = parse_splice_time(iface, buf, &event->out_pts, pts_adjust);
+        else
+            ret = parse_splice_time(iface, buf, &event->in_pts, pts_adjust);
+        buf += ret;
+    }
+    if ( program_splice_flag == 0) {
+        int comp_cnt = *buf++;
+        int  i;
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "component_count  = %d\n", comp_cnt);
+        for ( i = 0; i < comp_cnt; i++) {
+            component_tag = *buf++;
+            av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "component_tag  = %d\n", component_tag);
+            if (splice_immediate_flag) {
+                if(inout)
+                    ret = parse_splice_time(iface, buf, &event->in_pts, pts_adjust);
+                else
+                    ret = parse_splice_time(iface, buf, &event->out_pts, pts_adjust);
+                buf += ret;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( duration_flag ) {
+        init_get_bits(&gb, buf, 40);
+        auto_return =  get_bits(&gb, 1);
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "autoreturn  = %d\n", auto_return);
+        skip_bits(&gb, 6);
+        event->duration = get_bits64(&gb,33) + pts_adjust;
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "duration  = %lld\n", event->duration/90000);
+        buf += 5;
+    }
+    u_program_id = AV_RB16(buf);
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "u_program_id  = %hd\n", u_program_id);
+    buf += 2;
+    avail_num = *buf++;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "avail_num  = %hhd\n", avail_num);
+    avail_expect = *buf++;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "avail_expect  = %hhd\n", avail_expect);
+    return buf - sbuf;
+static int parse_time_signal_cmd(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const uint8_t *buf)
+    const uint8_t *sbuf = buf;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Time Signal cmd\n");
+    return buf - sbuf;
+static int parse_bandwidth_reservation_cmd(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const uint8_t *buf)
+    const uint8_t *sbuf = buf;
+    av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Band Width reservation cmd\n");
+    return buf - sbuf;
+int ff_parse_scte35_pkt(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const AVPacket *avpkt)
+    const uint8_t *buf = avpkt->data;
+    //int len = avpkt->size;
+    int section_length;
+    int cmd_length;
+    uint8_t cmd_type;
+    int16_t tier;
+    GetBitContext gb;
+    int ret;
+    int64_t pts_adjust;
+    if (!buf)
+        return AVERROR_EOF;
+    /* check table id */
+    if (*buf != 0xfc)
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid SCTE packet\n");
+    init_get_bits(&gb, buf + 1, 104);
+    /* section_syntax_indicator should be 0 */
+    ret = get_bits(&gb,1);
+    if (ret)
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Section indicator should be 0, since MPEG short sections are to be used.\n");
+    /* private indicator */
+    ret = get_bits(&gb,1);
+    if (ret)
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_WARNING, "corrupt packet\n");
+    skip_bits(&gb,2);
+    /* section length may be there */
+    section_length = get_bits(&gb,12);
+    if( section_length > 4093)
+    if(ret) {
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid length of section\n");
+        return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
+    }
+    /* protocol version */
+    skip_bits(&gb,8);
+    ret = get_bits(&gb,1);
+    if(ret) {
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Encrytion not yet supported\n");
+    }
+    /* encryption algo */
+    skip_bits(&gb,6);
+    pts_adjust =  get_bits64(&gb, 33);
+    /* cw_index: used in encryption */
+    skip_bits(&gb,8);
+    /* tier */
+    tier = get_bits(&gb,12);
+    if( (tier & 0xfff) == 0xfff)
+        tier = -1;
+    cmd_length = get_bits(&gb,12);
+    if((cmd_length & 0xfff) == 0xfff )
+        cmd_length = -1;
+    cmd_type = get_bits(&gb,8);
+    switch(cmd_type) {
+    case SCTE_CMD_NULL:
+        av_log(iface->parent, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "NULL packet\n");
+            break;
+        case SCTE_CMD_SCHEDULE:
+            ret = parse_schedule_cmd(iface, buf + 14);
+            break;
+        case SCTE_CMD_INSERT:
+            ret = parse_insert_cmd(iface, buf + 14, pts_adjust);
+            break;
+        case SCTE_CMD_SIGNAL:
+            ret = parse_time_signal_cmd(iface, buf + 14);
+            break;
+            ret = parse_bandwidth_reservation_cmd(iface, buf + 14);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        /* reserved yet */
+    }
+    if(ret < 0)
+        goto fail;
+    buf += ret;
+    return ret;
+static struct scte_35_event* get_event_ciel_out(struct scte_35_interface *iface, uint64_t pts)
+    struct scte_35_event *event = iface->event_list;
+    while(event) {
+        if(!event->lock && event->out_pts < pts)
+            break;
+        event = event->next;
+    }
+    return event;
+static struct scte_35_event* get_event_floor_in(struct scte_35_interface *iface, uint64_t pts)
+    struct scte_35_event *event = iface->event_list;
+    while(event) {
+        if(event->lock && event->in_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && event->in_pts < pts &&
+          (event->nearest_in_pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE || pts <= event->nearest_in_pts) ) {
+            event->nearest_in_pts = pts;
+            break;
+        }
+        event = event->next;
+    }
+    return event;
+struct scte_35_interface* ff_alloc_scte35_parser(void *parent)
+    struct scte_35_interface* iface = av_mallocz(sizeof(struct scte_35_interface));
+    iface->parent = parent;
+    iface->get_event_ciel_out = get_event_ciel_out;
+    iface->get_event_floor_in = get_event_floor_in;
+    return iface;
+void ff_delete_scte35_parser(struct scte_35_interface* iface)
+    freep(&iface);
diff --git a/libavformat/scte_35.h b/libavformat/scte_35.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59df9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libavformat/scte_35.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * SCTE 35 decoder
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Anshul Maheshwaari
+ *
+ * This file is part of FFmpeg.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+#ifndef SCTE_35_H
+#define SCTE_35_H
+struct scte_35_event {
+    int32_t id;
+    uint64_t in_pts;
+    uint64_t nearest_in_pts;
+    uint64_t out_pts;
+    int64_t duration;
+    int cancel;
+    /*if advertisement have already started cancel command can't delete advertisement */
+    volatile int lock;
+    struct scte_35_event *next;
+    struct scte_35_event *prev;
+struct scte_35_interface {
+    struct scte_35_event *event_list;
+    /* keep context of its parent for log */
+    void *parent;
+    struct scte_35_event* (*get_event_ciel_out)(struct scte_35_interface *iface, uint64_t pts);
+    struct scte_35_event* (*get_event_floor_in)(struct scte_35_interface *iface, uint64_t pts);
+int ff_parse_scte35_pkt(struct scte_35_interface *iface, const AVPacket *avpkt);
+struct scte_35_interface* ff_alloc_scte35_parser(void *parent);
+void ff_delete_scte35_parser(struct scte_35_interface* iface);
diff --git a/libavformat/utils.c b/libavformat/utils.c
index 752270d..b8fef74 100644
--- a/libavformat/utils.c
+++ b/libavformat/utils.c
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVStream, stream, char *, recommended_encoder_configuration)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, AVCodec *, video_codec)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, AVCodec *, audio_codec)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, AVCodec *, subtitle_codec)
+MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, AVCodec *, data_codec)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, int, metadata_header_padding)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, void *, opaque)
 MAKE_ACCESSORS(AVFormatContext, format, av_format_control_message, control_message_cb)

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