On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 12:19:50PM +0100, Christophe Gisquet wrote:
> Hi,
> 2014-11-30 12:11 GMT+01:00 Michael Niedermayer <michae...@gmx.at>:
> > This very slightly improves quality at the expense of 96kb more memory for 
> > tables
> I'm not concerned by this case, but maybe put that under CONFIG_SMALL
> or something related?
> Also, out of curiosity rather than concern:
> > -0568b0b9a72e31559e150e7e09d301cd *tests/data/fate/acodec-pcm-alaw.out.wav
> > -stddev:  101.67 PSNR: 56.19 MAXDIFF:  515 bytes:  1058400/  1058400
> > +7041abdd337c41a67c7cacba106cae5a *tests/data/fate/acodec-pcm-alaw.out.wav
> > +stddev:  101.64 PSNR: 56.19 MAXDIFF:  512 bytes:  1058400/  1058400
> > diff --git a/tests/ref/acodec/pcm-mulaw b/tests/ref/acodec/pcm-mulaw
> [...]
> > -stddev:  103.38 PSNR: 56.04 MAXDIFF:  644 bytes:  1058400/  1058400
> > +c6bd3d01c4e1b3478f17127590eb27cd *tests/data/fate/acodec-pcm-mulaw.out.wav
> > +stddev:  103.36 PSNR: 56.04 MAXDIFF:  644 bytes:  1058400/  1058400
> Did you do this because you had an example showing a stronger impact
> than this? MAXDIFF isn't reduced, stddev is reduced by 0.03%.

not really, no,
that was also why i posted a patch for this, i wasnt sure this is
worth the extra table size
puttig it under CONFIG_SMALL is tricky because it affects a encoder
output which is used in the fate tests so the fate test would depend
on the CONFIG_SMALL setting


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

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"As is" - "You wouldnt want it even if you were payed for it, if you knew ..."

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