
On 11/18/2014 06:54 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
> L'octidi 28 brumaire, an CCXXIII, Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet a
> écrit :
>> I think I commented about this before but having yesvar & novar 
>> options seems redundant. Having var = yes or no if absent (or
>> the other way around depending on the intended default) seems
>> less cumbersome and should simplify the code a bit too, avoiding
>> checking
> I think exactly the opposite. People who build reliable
> configurations want to avoid relying on default values as much as
> possible, because default values can change without notice.
> Therefore, they need to be able to specify explicitly any
> behaviour, even if it is currently the default.
>> for the two and imposing a precedence, which is not always 
>> documented.
> I think we can "implicitly document" that the behaviour for
> contradictory options is nasal demons.

Good point I guess. OK all the same as long as we keep
it consistent across config files. Phrased as a question
to the author for this very reason.

I do think undefined behavior should be avoided if possible
without too much hassle, so if we go with the former I would
appreciate doc entries specifying the options precedence. Brownie
points+ if an odd combination fires a warning().


Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet
Open Source Group
Samsung Research America / Silicon Valley
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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