Hi Chih,

I've completed the merge of frameworks/av and framewroks/native and added 
the stagefright-plugins and ffmpeg to my project. I enabld the USES_NAM and 
built new system.

Startup wnet fine, but on YouTube test playback (which went just fine 
before), I get a crash (below).

Note how I haven't enabled he new ffmpeg codecs in media_codecs.xml and I'm 
using Google SW codec for h264:

        <MediaCodec name="OMX.google.h264.decoder" type="video/avc"/>



D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecInit#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecInit# decInst 0x2a055c08 noOutputReordering 0
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecInit# OK: return 0x2a0b1238
I/OMXCodec(  707): [OMX.google.h264.decoder] AVC profile = 66 (Baseline), 
level = 30
I/OMXCodec(  707): [OMX.google.h264.decoder] video dimensions are 320 x 240
I/OMXCodec(  707): [OMX.google.h264.decoder] Crop rect is 320 x 240 @ (0, 0)
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# decInst 0x2a0b1238  pInput 0x4201ed88  
pOutput 0x4201ed7c
D/H264_decoder(  707): Access unit boundary
D/H264_decoder(  707): SEQ PARAM SET
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# OK: DecResult 1
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# decInst 0x2a0b1238  pInput 0x4201ed88  
pOutput 0x4201ed7c
D/H264_decoder(  707): Access unit boundary
D/H264_decoder(  707): PIC PARAM SET
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# OK: DecResult 1
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# decInst 0x2a0b1238  pInput 0x4201ed88  
pOutput 0x4201ed7c
D/H264_decoder(  707): Access unit boundary
D/H264_decoder(  707): IDR 
D/H264_decoder(  707): SLICE HEADER
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# OK: DecResult 4
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecGetInfo#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecGetInfo# decInst 0x2a0b1238  pDecInfo 0x4201eda8
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecGetInfo# OK
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# decInst 0x2a0b1238  pInput 0x4201ed88  
pOutput 0x4201ed7c
D/H264_decoder(  707): IDR 
D/H264_decoder(  707): SLICE HEADER
D/H264_decoder(  707): (null)
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecDecode# OK: DecResult 2
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecNextPicture#
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecNextPicture# decInst 0x2a0b1238 pOutput 
0x4201ed98 flushBuffer 0
D/H264Dec (  707): H264SwDecNextPicture# OK: return H264SWDEC_PIC_RDY
F/libc    (  707): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000008 (code=1), thread 
1818 (le.h264.decoder)
I/DEBUG   (   70):     #00  pc 00011ed0  /system/lib/libc.so
I/DEBUG   (   70):     #01  pc 0000ad6b  /system/lib/libstagefright_omx.so 
(android::OMX::CallbackDispatcher::post(android::omx_message const&)+14)
I/DEBUG   (   70):     #02  pc 0000b5e5  /system/lib/libstagefright_omx.so 
(android::OMX::OnEmptyBufferDone(void*, OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)+30)
I/DEBUG   (   70):     #03  pc 0000ebd9  /system/lib/libstagefright_omx.so 
I/DEBUG   (   70):     #04  pc 00009f60  
(android::SoftAVC::onQueueFilled(unsigned long)+508)

On Sunday, 11 August 2013 01:25:25 UTC-7, Chih-Wei Huang wrote:
> Hello ffmpeg list, 
> I'm planning to integrate the latest ffmpeg as 
> a stagefright OMXPlugin with Android-x86 4.3. 
> I found the stagefright-plugins developed by 
> Michael Chen is a good start. 
> (repo: https://github.com/omxcodec/stagefright-plugins.git) 
> But it's based on android 4.0 (ICS). 
> My plan is: 
> * Update stagefright-plugins to work with 
>   stagefright of android 4.3. 
> * Make it to be a libstagefrighthw.so plugin. 
> * Create Android.mk to build ffmpeg libs. 
> Before I go ahead, I'd like to know 
> if anyone is doing a similar project 
> to avoid duplicate work. 
> Thanks a lot! 
> -- 
> Chih-Wei 
> Android-x86 project 
> http://www.android-x86.org 
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