
On Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 02:51:36AM +0530, Nikita Mantri wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a 4th year B.Tech. student. As a part of gnome-opw 2015 programme, I
> would like to contribute to one of the development projects that is listed
> on the website. I have decided to contribute to the symmetric-key block
> ciphers project as i have an intermediate knowledge of cryptography. I have
> done a research project in cryptography and security primitives during my
> research internship period. I would be obliged if you will help me in start
> contributing to this project.

there are already 2 other potential applicants for
"symmetric-key block ciphers", but if you want to try anyway, please
choose a related qualification task, like some hash function or
symmetric block cypher that FFmpeg doesnt support yet and that
noone else has picked as their qualification task.

also, if you start working on a qualification task please add yourself
to the wiki

also note that for qualification to be passed the code for the
qualification task has to be submited here and pass review, this
may take multiple iterations and has to happen before slot(s) are
assigned to applicants.

Giorgio may have more or other comments, he is the mentor of the
"symmetric-key block ciphers" task ...


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