On 09.09.2014 05:38, Dave Rice wrote:
On Sep 8, 2014, at 10:08 AM, Tobias Rapp <t.r...@noa-audio.com> wrote:
BTW: How can one test the ffprobe XML output against the XSD? I
tried  it with "xmllint --noout --schema doc/ffprobe.xsd ffprobe-output.xml"
without success. What tools do other developers use?

That's the command that I use; however when generating the xml use the fully 
qualified option, ie:

ffprobe -f lavfi mandelbrot -show_streams -show_format -of xml=q=1 > test.xml
xmllint --noout --schema ffprobe.xsd test.xml
test.xml validates

That does the trick. Thanks!


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