On pe, 2014-08-29 at 15:02 +0000, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
> Petri Hintukainen <phintuka <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > From: Petri Hintukainen <phintuka <at> users.sourceforge.net>
> > 
> > Fixes ticket #2208
> Do I understand correctly that the produced files are 
> compatible with eac3to?

Compatible, but not identical. eac3to sets all DTS fields to 0. Other
than that, files are identical.

Also tsMuxeR produces .sup files, and those are identical with the files
this muxer produces (i.e. with proper DTS).

>  Are there other programs that accept these files?

mkvmerge. I extracted subtitles and video from BluRay using ffmpeg. Then
I muxed those (.sup and .h264) files with mkvmerge. Both VLC and xine
played subtitles from resulting .mkv files.

I don't know if any player accepts .sup files directly. There's no index
or any patterns that can be used for synchronizing when seeking. I think
these files are usually used as an input for other subtitle
converters/tools (like OCR -> srt).

- Petri

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