On Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 12:12:49AM +0200, Daniel Oberhoff wrote:
> Hello,
> As a follow-up to my last patch I now factored out the floating point based 
> interpolation from transform.h/transform.c and applied it in the 
> vf_lenscorrection filter I introduced in my last patch. What I did not do is 
> also factor out fixed point based interpolation as used in vf_rotate and 
> vf_perspective and maybe others as could probably also be done. Also I did 
> not look further for uses of floating point based interpolation. Basically I 
> just wanted to introduce interpolation in vf_lenscorrection without code 
> duplication. As a side note I also tried to introduce fixed point 
> calculations to vf_lenscorrection but found myself effectively doing floating 
> point “by hand” since due to the high order of the algorithm (up to 4th 
> order) it is very hard to keep track of the right amount of pre/post-comma 
> digits for a given step in the algorithm and given parameters and it felt 
> rather futile after a while.

> Looking forward to reviews :).

why did you use the deshake code and not the vf_perspective code ?!
i suspect this will be quite a bit harder to get into shape for a
common API

> From 4b271f72946aeebf5603cc8779f6b61ff0c1bd49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: James Almer <jamr...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 02:24:01 -0300
> Subject: [PATCH] afvilter: re-factor/re-use floating point based interpolation
>  from vf_perspective
> ---
>  doc/filters.texi                |  11 +++
>  libavfilter/interpolate.h       | 144 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  libavfilter/transform.c         |  91 ++-----------------------
>  libavfilter/transform.h         |  14 +---
>  libavfilter/vf_lenscorrection.c |  21 ++++--
>  5 files changed, 176 insertions(+), 105 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 libavfilter/interpolate.h
> diff --git a/doc/filters.texi b/doc/filters.texi
> index 0ca1d6f..2edefc4 100644
> --- a/doc/filters.texi
> +++ b/doc/filters.texi
> @@ -5582,6 +5582,17 @@ height.
>  Coefficient of the quadratic correction term. 0.5 means no correction.
>  @item k2
>  Coefficient of the double quadratic correction term. 0.5 means no correction.
> +@item interpolation
> +Set the interpolation method for the transformation
> +
> +It accepts the following values:
> +@table @samp
> +@item nearest
> +@item linear
> +@item cubic
> +@end table
> +Default value is @samp{linear}.
> +
>  @end table
>  The formula that generates the correction is:
> diff --git a/libavfilter/interpolate.h b/libavfilter/interpolate.h
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..6f7a849
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/libavfilter/interpolate.h
> @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
> +/*
> + * Copyright (C) 2010 Georg Martius <georg.mart...@web.de>
> + * Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel G. Taylor <d...@programmer-art.org>
> + *
> + * This file is part of FFmpeg.
> + *
> + * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
> + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
> + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
> + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
> + *
> + * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> + * Lesser General Public License for more details.
> + *
> + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
> + * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
> + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 
> + */
> +
> +
> +enum InterpolateMethod {
> +    INTERPOLATE_NEAREST,        //< Nearest-neighbor (fast)
> +    INTERPOLATE_BILINEAR,       //< Bilinear
> +    INTERPOLATE_BIQUADRATIC,    //< Biquadratic (best)
> +    INTERPOLATE_COUNT,          //< Number of interpolation methods
> +};
> +
> +// Shortcuts for the fastest and best interpolation methods
> +
> +#define INTERPOLATE_METHOD(name) \
> +    static av_always_inline uint8_t name(float x, float y, const uint8_t 
> *src, \
> +                                         int width, int height, int stride, 
> uint8_t def)
> +

> +/**
> + * Nearest neighbor interpolation
> + */
> +INTERPOLATE_METHOD(interpolate_nearest)
> +{
> +    if (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height) {
> +        return def;
> +    } else {
> +        return src[(int)(x + 0.5f) + stride * (int)(y + 0.5f)];
> +    }
> +}

i dont think using float in a nearest neighbor resampler is acceptable

> +
> +/**
> + * Bilinear interpolation
> + */
> +INTERPOLATE_METHOD(interpolate_bilinear)
> +{
> +    int x_c, x_f, y_c, y_f;
> +    int v1, v2, v3, v4;
> +    const uint8_t *line_y_f, *line_y_c;
> +
> +    if (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height) {
> +        return def;
> +    } else {
> +        x_f = (int)x;
> +        x_c = x_f + 1;
> +
> +        y_f = (int)y;
> +        y_c = y_f + 1;
> +
> +        line_y_f = src + stride * y_c;
> +        line_y_c = line_y_f + stride;
> +
> +        v1 = line_y_c[x_c];
> +        v2 = line_y_f[x_c];
> +        v3 = line_y_c[x_f];
> +        v4 = line_y_f[x_f];
> +
> +        return (v1*(x - x_f)*(y - y_f) + v2*((x - x_f)*(y_c - y)) +
> +                v3*(x_c - x)*(y - y_f) + v4*((x_c - x)*(y_c - y)));
> +    }
> +}

> +
> +/**
> + * Biquadratic interpolation
> + */
> +INTERPOLATE_METHOD(interpolate_biquadratic)
> +{
> +    int     x_c, x_f, y_c, y_f;
> +    uint8_t v1,  v2,  v3,  v4;
> +    float   f1,  f2,  f3,  f4;
> +    const uint8_t *line_y_f, *line_y_c;
> +
> +    if (x < 0 || x >= width || y < 0 || y >= height) {
> +        return def;
> +    } else {
> +        x_f = (int)x;
> +        x_c = x_f + 1;
> +        y_f = (int)y;
> +        y_c = y_f + 1;
> +
> +        line_y_f = src + stride * y_c;
> +        line_y_c = line_y_f + stride;
> +
> +        v1 = line_y_c[x_c];
> +        v2 = line_y_f[x_c];
> +        v3 = line_y_c[x_f];
> +        v4 = line_y_f[x_f];
> +
> +        f1 = 1 - sqrt((x_c - x) * (y_c - y));
> +        f2 = 1 - sqrt((x_c - x) * (y - y_f));
> +        f3 = 1 - sqrt((x - x_f) * (y_c - y));
> +        f4 = 1 - sqrt((x - x_f) * (y - y_f));
> +        return (v1 * f1 + v2 * f2 + v3 * f3 + v4 * f4) / (f1 + f2 + f3 + f4);
> +    }
> +}

There should be bilinear and bicubic filters.
If you want to add windowed sinc filters or spline based ones i dont
But ive no faith that this odd filter above which has the order of a
bilinear one will look all that great. And it sure wont be fast with
sqrt() per sample

one way to do higher order filters is to create a LUT with the filter
Coefficients, for example if you want 8bit sub pixel precission and
a bicubic filter that makes just 256 * 4 entries, 4 Coefficients for
each 256 subpixel positions.

That LUT can be filled by using the float code from vf_perspective

or if done without LUT the code from vf_perspective can also be used
directly and doesnt need any functions like sqrt() and at the
same time should be higher quality

Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Complexity theory is the science of finding the exact solution to an
approximation. Benchmarking OTOH is finding an approximation of the exact

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