On 8/18/14, Kieran Kunhya <kier...@obe.tv> wrote:
> On 18 August 2014 02:26, Ivan Kalvachev <ikalvac...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ilpack - interlaced yuv420-> yuv422 converter. Scale should be able to
>> do that too.
> Scale doesn't have much (any?) knowledge of interlaced chroma.
> That said I could probably port this filter to lavfi because it would
> be quite useful to me. I wasn't actually aware it existed.

    Set the interlacing mode. It accepts the following values:
    ‘1’        Force interlaced aware scaling.
    ‘0’        Do not apply interlaced scaling.
    ‘-1’        Select interlaced aware scaling depending on whether
the source frames are flagged as interlaced or not.
    Default value is ‘0’.

Maybe the default value should be -1.
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