Le septidi 27 thermidor, an CCXXII, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
>               If you guys could find a solution to try to work together
> again, and merge back both projects, that'd be best for everyone.

When people suggest that, I always wonder how they see that happening with
regard to the code.

In more than three years since the fork, development has continued on both
branches. Changes are continuously ported from libav to FFmpeg, but code was
also written for FFmpeg and never merged by libav. Some of this code, the
libav people have made very clear they specifically did not want it.

So what about the code? Shall the FFmpeg developers discard three years of
work and start working on libav? Or shall the libav developers accept to
work with the code from FFmpeg that they do not like?

I see neither as an option.

The only option is to make sure the users do not suffer from the fork, by
making sure they can easily use the version that is most suited for their
need without being sucked into the developers' disagreements.


  Nicolas George

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