On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 03:12:19PM +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
> Le duodi 12 thermidor, an CCXXII, Carl Eugen Hoyos a écrit :
> > Ping.
> > 
> > Please add a comment about ticket #3779 to the commit message.
> Done and pushed to my tree for anyone to merge.


> (It did not seem urgent, I was waiting to bundle it with other patches to
> save time to the merger.

i dont think that makes sense, merging it earlier and more often
doesnt take much time and makes the code available earlier to others
to test, use and benefit

> Or are there hours where I can push directly
> without interfering with Michael's merges from the fork?)

i dont think its such a big problem currently
IMHO the 2nd fate run on a seperate computer and quick look of a
second pair of eyes over what changed is a stronger argument for
pull requests over direct commits than interfering with merges.
Though of course this can (and would) change, if the number of commits
and merges increase.
Merges done by a single person scale up very well, 10k a day, doable
if they dont conflict
Direct commits from multiple developers, 1k a day, no everyone would
just be rebasing code and be forced to push code thats untested after


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know. -- Lao Tsu

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