
I am developing a custom fail2ban filter for a daemon that logs to syslog.  I 
am using Debian 12, so syslog is handled by systemd. If I dump a syslog facilty 
to a file:

# journalctl --facility=mail --output=short-full --no-tail >test.log

and then test my filter with

# fail2ban-regex test.log myfilter.conf

Then it seems to work well.  At least it seems to match the correct lines.

But of course I don't want to dump the journal to a file.  So how can I tell 
fail2ban to look into the syslog when it is handled by systemd?  I know that if 
a daemon logs directly to systemd, then you can do this:

backend = systemd
journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_UNIT=mydaemon.service

But this daemon logs to syslog, so that does not work.

As a guess, I tried changing that to

journalmatch = _SYSTEMD_FACILIY=mail

but of course that was a bad guess.

Can you tell me how to tell fail2ban which syslog facility to follow?


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