I wonder if there is still some useful material in this wiki!? It is in read-only mode since several years.

It looks like https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/wiki is more up-to-date and having everything centralized on Github is probably a good idea.

You can access the wiki again at wiki.fail2ban.org. I upgraded Mediawiki to 1.35.11 while I was at it. A few things are broken and were probably already broken before. Looking at the content, I really think most of the stuff there are outdated and the wiki can probably be dropped altogether.


On 25.09.23 21:56, Mike wrote:

How about creating a new hostname like: wiki.fail2ban.org and point that to the wiki, and only advertise it on this list?   See if any of the traffic follows the new host.

At 11:59 AM 9/25/2023, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman wrote:
Cyril, I can run the wiki on my infrastructure if required. No load issues.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 13:25 Cyril Jaquier <cyril.jaqu...@fail2ban.org <mailto:cyril.jaqu...@fail2ban.org>> wrote:

    Hi all,

    I see a constant traffic on www.fail2ban.org
    <http://www.fail2ban.org> from bots since a month or
    so that increase the load on my dedicated server that runs the
    (outdated) wiki.

    I redirect the traffic from www.fail2ban.org
    <http://www.fail2ban.org> to the Github project page
    now to see if the load decreases. Consequently, the wiki is not
    accessible anymore. If this is a problem, feel free to tell me and I
    will see if I can find another solution.

    Sergey, if you see this, please, feel free to tell me if you would
    me to redirect to another page or discuss another solution.


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