If you have a large amount of blocks, and this sounds like it, use ipset-based jails as they are way more efficient. If you want to ban subnets each time you get a block it is possible to create an action to ban a /24 subnet each time with a very slight modification to the default action (which you would put in a separate action).

On 24/06/2023 12:58, Kasper Thunø wrote:

Just signed up as I was unable to find something explaining an approach to what I want to achieve.

I have a handful of jail configurations which handle postfix for example. Inspecting the currently banned ip addresses I see a lot of examples of entire subnets used to attempt to gain access. Hence I have a lot of addresses originating from the same origin which makes the number of banned sources quite high. I have chosen to have a fairly high ban time set up for the configured jails which obviously also influences the count.

My question is thus, is there a way to optimize or cleanup the bans so it’s based on wildcards or subnets instead? Or should I not worry about this as iptables is not affected performance wise by +1000 banned ips?


Med venlig hilsen
Kasper Thunø

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