-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Re: [Fail2ban-users] apache-proxy
Date : Thu, 18 May 2023 10:43:35 +0200
De : François Patte <francois.pa...@gmx.fr>
Pour : Wayne Sallee <wa...@waynesallee.com>
Le 09/05/2023 à 18:52, Wayne Sallee via Fail2ban-users a écrit :
-------- Original Message --------
*Subject: * [Fail2ban-users] apache-proxy
*From: * François Patte <francois.pa...@gmx.fr>
*To: * Fail2ban-users <fail2ban-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
*CC: *
*Date: * 2023-5-8 04:28 AM
I try to build a jail against proxy attack on an apache server.
I am not an expert with fail2ban and followed some instructions found on
the internet.
From jail.local:
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = apache-proxy
logpath = /var/log/apache2/*access.log
maxretry = 0
findtime = 604800
bantime = 604800
File apache-proxy.conf in filter.d directory:
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author: James Roe
# Use in apache access logs
# Matches lines such as:
# - - "GET http://www.infodownload.info/proxyheader.php ...
failregex = ^(?:(?![0-9\.]* - - \[.*\] "([A-Z]* /.*
ignoreregex =
I use nftables as a firewall with this file in
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
# Use ip as fail2ban doesn't support ipv6 yet
table inet fail2ban {
chain input {
# Assign a high priority to reject as fast as possible
and avoid more complex rule evaluation
type filter hook input priority 100;
fail2ban daemon starts without any problem and the jail apache-proxy is
If I test the jail with telnet server 80 and this command:
GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0
the IP (from which I sent the command) is banned according
to fail2ban but I am still able to connect to the server from this
address and I get these ERRORS in logwatch:
--------------------- fail2ban-messages Begin ------------------------
Banned services with Fail2Ban: Bans:Unbans
apache-proxy] Restore: [ 1:0 ]
** ERRORS **
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- stderr: ' ^^^^^^^^': 1 Time(s)
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- stderr: ' ^^^^^^^^': 1 Time(s)
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- stderr: 'Error: Could not process rule: No such
file or directory': 2 Time(s)
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- stderr: 'add set ip fail2ban f2b-apache-proxy {
type ipv4_addr; }': 1 Time(s)
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- stderr: 'insert rule ip fail2ban input tcp dport
{ http,https } ip saddr @f2b-apache-proxy drop': 1 Time(s)
Failed to execute ban jail 'apache-proxy' action
'nftables-multiport' info 'ActionInfo({'ip': '', 'family':
'inet4', 'ip-rev': '', 'ip-host': None, 'fid':
'', 'failures': 1, 'time': 1683444345.3332465, 'matches':
' - - [04/May/2023:12:20:48 +0200] "GET
http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0 "-" "-"', 'restored': 1, 'F-*':
{'matches': [[' - - [', '04/May/2023:12:20:48 +0200', ']
"GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0 "-" "-"']], 'failures': 1,
'ip4': ''}, 'ipmatches': ' - -
[04/May/2023:12:20:48 +0200] "GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0
"-" "-"\n192.168.1.10 - - [04/May/2023:12:21:28 +0200]
"\\xff\\xf4\\xff\\xfd\\x06" 400 0 "-" "-"\n192.168.1.10 - -
[04/May/2023:12:34:52 +0200] "GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0
"-" "-"', 'ipjailmatches': ' - - [04/May/2023:12:20:48
+0200] "GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0 "-" "-"\n192.168.1.10
- - [04/May/2023:12:21:
28 +0200] "\\xff\\xf4\\xff\\xfd\\x06" 400 0 "-" "-"\n192.168.1.10 - -
[04/May/2023:12:34:52 +0200] "GET http://www.google.com/ HTTP/1.0" 408 0
"-" "-"', 'ipfailures': 3, 'ipjailfailures': 3})': Error starting action
Jail('apache-proxy')/nftables-multiport: 1 Time(s)
NOK: ("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'",): 1 Time(s)
Command ['set', 'apache-common', 'maxlines', 'None'] has failed.
Received ValueError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'None'"): 1
**Unmatched Entries**
2023-05-07 09:25:45,570 fail2ban.utils [22454]: Level 39
7f0e3cc93ed0 -- exec: nft add set ip fail2ban f2b-apache-proxy \{ type
ipv4_addr\; \}: 1 Time(s)
---------------------- fail2ban-messages End -------------------------
What is wrong with my fail2ban configuration?
Thank you for attention
François Patte
Fail2ban-users mailing list
maxretry really means max try. Set it to 1.
I don't know if you can use an astrix in your logfile name.
Are you testing with fail2ban-regex ?
Thank you for answering.
# fail2ban-regex filter apache-proxy
Running tests
Use failregex filter file : apache-proxy, basedir: /etc/fail2ban
Use single line : filter
Failregex: 0 total
Ignoreregex: 0 total
Date template hits:
Lines: 1 lines, 0 ignored, 0 matched, 1 missed
[processed in 0.02 sec]
|- Missed line(s):
| filter
But I don't understand what it means....
Here is the result of # fail2ban-client status apache-proxy
Status for the jail: apache-proxy
|- Filter
| |- Currently failed: 0
| |- Total failed: 7
| `- File list: /var/log/apache2/access.log
`- Actions
|- Currently banned: 2
|- Total banned: 4
`- Banned IP list:
How can I be shure that the 2 IP are really banned?
Thank you for attention.
Fail2ban-users mailing list