
running fail2ban version 0.9.3 on ubuntu

it appears the default action script is iptables-multiport

I want to learn how to add a comment when banning an ip, and have that
comment include data / information from the log file f2b is monitoring,

for example, in a log file made by mail / courier / imap, it contains this

   imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=cowseig...@domain.com,

so I created a file in/etc/fail2ban/action.d
named    iptables-multiport.local

and pasted this information (found in the FAQ section of f2b user guide

actionban = lgm=$(printf '%%.1000s\n...' "<matches>"); <iptables> -I
f2b-<name> 1 -s <ip> -j <blocktype> "comment=$lgm" --comment "$lgm"

then I restarted f2b      systemctl restart fail2ban

journalctl -ru fail2ban    showed it restarted without errors

how can I check if this is working? will it be written in the iptables, or
will it be written in the fail2ban log, or will it be written in
/var/log/ufw.log  ?

after i find out where i can see the results, i will probably need to come
back and learn how to capture information from the source log so the
comments make sense

thank you
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