Hi all,

Short version: in a simple mailing-list setup, how should I rewrite the sender address so that emails to the list are then re-sent from the list address?

Longer version:

I'm running a simple virtual-mailbox setup with Exim, where domain and user details are stored in a PostgreSQL database. This is on an AWS host (Lightsail), and uses Amazon SES as a smarthost for outgoing email. All is working fine so far.

I now need to add what are effectively simple mailing lists - email addresses which will forward to multiple recipient addresses, mostly outside the domains handled by our setup. I've added a router (appennded below) based on an example in the Exim book, which checks whether an incoming email is for a list address, and - if it is - redirects to the list members. So far so good.

Now, I need to rewrite the "From" header to the list address, so that SES will send out the emails to the list recipients. How should I do this? It doesn't seem to be possible to use headers_rewrite in a router (I tried and got an error). One thing I thought of was to create a separate transport which checks for the presence of a List-ID header (which is added in the router, and contains just the list address), and changes the "From" address to its value using headers_rewrite - would this be a viable approach?

On the same topic, is there anything else I should be doing? This isn't a full-blown mailing list solution - we just need a small number (5-10) of group addresses, each going to a small number (<20) of recipients - but I want to do it right.

Here's my router as it stands (yes, I know there are more DB lookups than I need - it's a work in progress):

 debug_print = "R: vmail_maillist for $local_part@$domain"
 driver = redirect
 condition = ${lookup pgsql{ select 'true' from mailing_lists where is_enabled = true \      and list_name = '${quote_pgsql:$local_part}' and domain_name = '${quote_pgsql:$domain}'}}  data = ${lookup pgsql{ select recipient from mailing_list_recipients where \      list_name = '${quote_pgsql:$local_part}' and domain_name = '${quote_pgsql:$domain}' }}

 # Get the list address as a variable, to save on lookups.
 set = r_list_address = ${lookup pgsql{  select list_name || '@' || domain_name from mailing_lists \      where list_name = '${quote_pgsql:$local_part}' and domain_name = '${quote_pgsql:$domain}' }}

 # Remove any DKIM header, as the outgoing emails get signed by SES.
 headers_remove = DKIM-signature

 # Add the list ID.
 headers_add = "List-ID: $r_list_address"


Very many thanks in advance,

Ray O'Donnell.

Raymond O'Donnell // Galway // Ireland

## subscription configuration (requires account):
##   https://lists.exim.org/mailman3/postorius/lists/exim-users.lists.exim.org/
## unsubscribe (doesn't require an account):
##   exim-users-unsubscr...@lists.exim.org
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