On Wed, 20 Mar 2024, Jerry Stuckle via Exim-users wrote:

Thanks, I know Exim doesn't have POP3 ports. However, it does handle emails differently depending on if you're using POP3 or IMAP. The former places emails for a user in /var/mail while the latter places emails in the user's home directory. And there are other differences in how they are handled.

That is one way exim could be set up, but it is not the default
and I've never seen it done like that.

This was just the easiest way I knew to explain the configuration I am using.

Unfortunately for those of us who haven't seen a setup like tthat
it wasn't as clear as you hoped.


On 3/20/2024 3:26 AM, Niels Dettenbach wrote:

Am 20.03.24 um 04:46 schrieb Jerry Stuckle via Exim-users <exim-users@lists.exim.org>:

I'm a noob with Exim and am trying to implement TLS on the POP3 port but am running into problems.
just btw:
Exim has no „POP3 port“…



Niels Dettenbach

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK

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