Il giorno gio 26 ott 2023 alle ore 11:48 Jeremy Harris via Exim-users
<> ha scritto:
> - a manualroute router, pointing to the required smarthost

> - placed in the routing chain early, to strip out from the
>    general "deliver to the MX" externals


> - with a complicated "condition" to decide when it triggers

> - condition does a dnsdb lookup, for mx
>    and matches the required IP address

Ok....i'm here.
But dnsdb lookup returns a list of MXs , not a list (or just one from
the list) of IP addresses.
How can I force a dnsdb lookup to return resolved hosts to ips ?

>    - you get to pick what "matches" means.  Will there always be only one?
>      Do you need to check for one specific in a possible list returnd for
>      the MX lookup?  Do you have a list of possibles?

I don't have a list of MXs, I have a list of IPs and I have to check
if the returned MXs are poiting to the list of IPs

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