On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 07:23:23PM +0200, Markus Reschke via Exim-users wrote:

> When you check out the h tag of the DKIM signature header of the
> large email services you'll see that they usually have only a few
> signed headers (less processing load) and some oversign specific
> headers. E.g. gmail seems to oversign
> from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to, and Yahoo
> From:Subject:Reply-To. Based on the DKIM RFCs and the current
> reality I'd say that exim's default for dkim_sign_headers is simply
> overkill and we should add a bunch of '=' prefixes, maybe a few '+'
> for essential headers.

I have been thinking about this all day, with increasing hopelessness

Is there even a "best practice" for mailing lists, what they do with
incoming DKIM signatures? I see that this list removes them, and it
really has no choice because it modifies the From header (and maybe
the Subject too, although I won't know about it because I hide it in
my MUA). But the postgres list must keep them, if they were a problem
in my messages.

As it is now, I'm inclined to just stop signing messages to lists.


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