On 2023-10-06 Slavko via Exim-users <exim-users@lists.exim.org> wrote:
> hmm, i still cannot get how "network adjacent" is related to root
> privileges. But my head never was good for attacks...

Afaiui the attack will require special DNS packets that would not be
sent out by a real recursive resolver. i.e. the attacker needs to change
these packets directly by being in between the resolver and the machine
hosting exim.

> BTW, Heiko, i see that discussion with ZDI "continue" on oss-security.
> Please, can you from time to time post summary here?

Until now the discussion there sadly only explains why 3 out of 6
possible issues are still unresolved or not really understood. The
person (?) sending mails from ZDI does not answer any questions but
sends out unrelated canned responses. :-(

cu Andreas

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