On 2023-07-24 Heiko Schlittermann via Exim-users <exim-users@lists.exim.org> 
> Andreas Metzler via Exim-users <exim-users@lists.exim.org> (Mo 24 Jul 2023 
> 18:52:14 CEST):
> Maybe you want to check the branch hs/systemd-units, there I started to
> collect my effort to provide native systemd units for Exim.


That is a nice find.

> I'd be happy if we can join our efforts.

> Regarding your question: I think, "exec" is the right answer for the
> current Exim versions. (Somewhen I started working on "Type=notify", but
> that's nothing that's ready yet.)

You are using -bdf instead of -bd for the Type=exec example. Afaict
the major effect should be a tiny speedup since a fork() and closing in
stdin/out/err is avoided. Since exim would not write to stdout/err this
should be it. Or am I missing something?

cu Andreas
`What a good friend you are to him, Dr. Maturin. His other friends are
so grateful to you.'
`I sew his ears on from time to time, sure'

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