On 19/06/2023 05:24, Mackenzie Taiaroa via Exim-users wrote:
I've checked the corresponding line in /usr/sbin/opendmarc-import and
opendmarc-import is looking for multiple values for DKIM, while our history
reports 0. Having no results for ARC authentication also causes failures
during import but I understand ARC is not officially supported by Exim
currently, am I correct in assuming Exim will not log any ARC results

We really need to see a debug run of a message reception.
Feel free to use a pastebin site if you don't want to put it on this ML
(but please don't obfuscate it too harshly; doing that makes analysis

Re ARC: are you running an Exim with the support included?  "exim -bV"
will tell you the supported features, and the sample you gave before
says no.
Obviously if not, and your DMARC toolchain *fails* without the info, then
you are hosed (and IMHO, those tools are questionable given the actual
level of ARC usage in the email world).

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