
I have a problem with the synchronisation process.
It is OK from my smartphone to the server, but doesn't synchronise with
my laptop.
It was working and suddenly not. I have no idea about what's
Here is the message :

> Le moteur « David » de la liste de tâches a rencontré une erreur.
> L’erreur signalée était « SQLite error code '8': attempt to write a
> readonly database (statement:INSERT OR REPLACE INTO 'ECacheObjects'
> (ECacheUID,ECacheREV,ECacheOBJ,ECacheState,'location','due','has_alar
> m','occur_end','completed','custom_flags','percent_complete','classif
> ication','description','summary','comment','categories','has_recurren
> ces','attendees','has_attachment','has_start','status','occur_start',
> 'bdata','priority','organizer') VALUES
> ('27303271ea85717ede6522edba3c806687f45427','00388a046cce0d91e3a6f4fd
> 4abd7ec6','BEGIN:VTODO
> DTSTAMP:20220902T170616Z
> UID:27303271ea85717ede6522edba3c806687f45427
> CREATED:20220816T181246Z
> LAST-MODIFIED:20220902T170544Z
> SUMMARY:Retour pièces voiture

It was already happened and the solution was to delete each calendar to
create it again.
I would be interested for a real solution...
Thanks a lot.

(French answer appreciated...)

David L.

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