On Tue, 2022-06-28 at 18:25 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Tue, 2022-06-28 at 11:16 -0500, Tim McConnell via evolution-list
> wrote:
> > And I got 
> > 
> > (evolution:3466545): GLib-GIO-WARNING **: 11:07:41.789: Your
> > application did not unregister from D-Bus before destruction.
> > Consider
> > using g_application_run().
> > 
> > and a notification Evolution was ready. 
>         Hi,
> it means another evolution was running, I guess. You should close it
> first and then run it from a terminal. To make sure it's not running
> you can:
>   $ ps ax | grep evolution
> and if there is any "evolution", then it's running (maybe in the
> background). There can be "evolution-....", those are processes from
> the evolution-data-server, which are used by the Evolution and
> others.
> > ii  libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37:amd64 2.36.3-1
> nice, it's the latest stable version, the same with Evolution. 
> > Umm I'm on 3.44.2-1, I don't think it's working as advertised :-( 
> Well, it depends where the problem is. It can be it's not related to
> the hardware acceleration at all. There's a user claiming similar
> issue
> with a Flathub's (Flatpak) Evolution here [1]. I cannot reproduce it
> on
> my machine, even using the same bits (but different distro).
>         Bye,
>         Milan
> [1]
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/evolution/-/issues/1321#note_1487401
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> evolution-list mailing list
> evolution-list@gnome.org
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Okay I closed Evolution and killed the 4 processes that were still
WEBKIT_FORCE_SANDBOX=0 evolution command and went back into On this
computer-> Inbox and same thing, CPU went through the roof. I did Ctl+C
to get out of Evolution restarted it via Icon and my IMAP Mail is fine,
WebKitWebPorcess is using 5.26%, It's just when I check Local mail the
CPU goes nuts. 
I read the thread you provided, neither of them state whether it's
Local or External mail. But the symptoms sound about the same. 
Also I don't know if this will be of any use to you, but the Debian
WebKit bug had me run 
perf top -pPID --sort dso,symbol
and I'm attaching the results of that in Perftop.txt. 

   PerfTop:       0 irqs/sec  kernel: 0.0%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

   PerfTop:       0 irqs/sec  kernel: 0.0%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/0 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

   PerfTop:    4785 irqs/sec  kernel: 3.8%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 
832/832 [4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.53%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.13%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.68%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.61%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.39%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.19%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.15%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.14%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.08%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     1.00%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.97%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.97%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.94%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.83%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.79%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.74%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.71%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.70%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::Normalizer2Impl::
     0.65%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr
     0.64%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1

   PerfTop:    3324 irqs/sec  kernel: 2.8%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.47%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.06%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.56%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.56%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.46%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.29%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.20%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.10%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.01%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.99%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.98%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.96%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.86%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.82%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.80%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.80%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.80%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.77%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.70%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_hasBinaryProperty_71
     0.63%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr

   PerfTop:    3170 irqs/sec  kernel: 4.3%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.37%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.02%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.60%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.54%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.45%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.33%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.16%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.14%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.00%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.98%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.96%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.93%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.92%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.87%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.85%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.79%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.78%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.76%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.70%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_hasBinaryProperty_71
     0.65%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr

   PerfTop:    2981 irqs/sec  kernel: 3.8%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.43%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.00%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.66%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.59%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.47%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.36%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.11%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.09%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.01%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.96%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.91%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.90%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.89%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.87%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.86%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.82%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.82%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.77%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.64%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_hasBinaryProperty_71
     0.62%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr

   PerfTop:    3320 irqs/sec  kernel: 3.2%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.37%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.02%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.68%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.61%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.51%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.36%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.14%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.12%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.03%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.97%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.96%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.90%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.89%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.89%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.83%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.83%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.82%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.82%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.61%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::UnicodeString::cl
     0.61%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_hasBinaryProperty_71

   PerfTop:    2462 irqs/sec  kernel: 5.7%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.39%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.03%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.63%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.58%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.52%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.34%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.12%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     1.11%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.01%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.98%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.95%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.90%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.89%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.87%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.83%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.82%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.82%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.79%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.62%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] uscript_getScript_71
     0.61%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_hasBinaryProperty_71

   PerfTop:    2490 irqs/sec  kernel: 5.9%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.38%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.04%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.60%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.55%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.49%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.33%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.13%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.13%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     0.99%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.96%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.91%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.89%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.87%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.87%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.83%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.82%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.79%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.79%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.63%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] uscript_getScript_71
     0.61%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr

   PerfTop:    2411 irqs/sec  kernel: 5.2%  exact:  0.0% lost: 0/0 drop: 0/832 
[4000Hz cycles],  (target_pid: 3485983)

     2.38%  libcairo.so.2.11600.0                [.] cairo_scaled_font_glyph_e
     2.00%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_lock
     1.59%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_mutex_unlock_us
     1.52%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::ComposeNormalizer
     1.43%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_getUnicodeProperties_71
     1.37%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_free
     1.15%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastMalloc
     1.14%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::fastFree
     0.98%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.95%  libpthread-2.33.so                   [.] __pthread_getspecific
     0.94%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __libc_calloc
     0.89%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] _int_malloc
     0.87%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] ucase_toupper_71
     0.86%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] icu_71::EmojiProps::hasBi
     0.85%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] unorm2_isNormalized_71
     0.78%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] u_charType_71
     0.78%  libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0.so.18.20.7  [.] WTF::normalizedNFC
     0.75%  libc-2.33.so                         [.] __memcmp_sse4_1
     0.63%  libicuuc.so.71.1                     [.] uscript_getScript_71
     0.62%  ld-2.33.so                           [.] __tls_get_addr
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