-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Piko <mich...@piko.com.au>
To: evolution-list <evolution-list@gnome.org>
Subject: [Evolution] Gmail Calendar
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2021 13:06:12 +1100

> At least once a day I get this error connecting to Google: Gmail
> (calendar)
>     Failed to issue REPORT: HTTP error code 401 (Unauthorized)
> And have to reenter my credentials etc. even though It is set to  
> "Don’t ask again on this device"

I've experienced an issue with Google's server refusing to serve more
than a certain number of logins to gmail, they seem to have a daily
quota.  I fixed this by setting the checking interval to "60 minutes"
instead of "15 minutes".

Is this what you are encountering?

Alex Doll, M.AusIMM
Alex G Doll Consulting Ltd
m. +1-778-388-2444  alex.d...@agdconsulting.ca
Skype:  agd.consulting

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