On Wed, 2021-10-27 at 19:06 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
> On Wed, 2021-10-27 at 11:04 -0500, Christopher Marlow wrote:
> > I am wondering if this is happening to anyone else?
> > 
> > I am recieving doubles of the same emails.
> > 
> I know you said you've sorted it. But for anyone else interested, the
> root issue is that people do "Reply-All" instead of "Reply-to-List" -
> so if they reply to your message you get the reply both directly and
> from the list.  There is a per-user setting on the list configuration
> that detects you are a direct recipient and doesn't send a list copy
> to
> you. BUT that means the copy you do receive doesn't have the list
> headers on it, so you can't easily do "Reply-to-List". I always then
> have to Reply-All and edit the recipients so it only goes to the
> list.

My issue was due to having a filer set up under Google Workspace to
forward messages to another address.

I deleted the filter and the double emails have stopped now. 

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