Le dimanche 05 septembre 2021 à 18:48 +0100, Pete Biggs a écrit :
> > > 
> > > Note that if the attachment was big enough, or with enough
> > > attachments,
> > > the client could take a while to display the email contents if
> > > it
> > > needs
> > > to inline all of them.
> > > 
> > With Thunderbird, in the old time, when I had a slow Internet
> > connection, I decided not to display attached documents ... (the
> > parameter is available in the menu)  Now, with an optic fiber
> > connexion everything is very fast !
> > And it is so fast with Evolution that I wonder wether they are
> > already
> > downloaded or not: I think they are, if they are:  why not a
> > parameter
> > to enable to display them ?
> > 
> I think you need to be very careful about auto-displaying
> attachments
> in email. Yes, it all seems to be very sensible - who wouldn't want
> pictures to be displayed in line if they are available. But auto-
> displayed attachments is one of the methods that viruses get on
> computers. The only thing I think it might be acceptable for is
> images,
> but there are exploits for some jpeg viewers and malicious DoS
> attachments are very easy to create. Autodisplaying some attachments
> in
> an office setting - e.g. dodgy, pornographic images - would likely
> get
> you in trouble.  It just needs to be treated with a bit of caution -
> perhaps have a "only display in-line images from known contacts" the
> same way as for HTML messages.
> As for the download thing. That's not an issue.  This is to do with
> attachments and they are part of the message so are download anyway
> -
> you may be on the end of an optic fibre, not everyone is and large
> messages are a real pain.  The only images that are downloaded
> separately are those on the web linked to from within HTML messages
> -
> and that is already all catered for.
> P.
I am very careful:
 *  In my mail server (zimbra.free.fr) I maintain an address book I
   use only to filter received emails: all emails sent by a sender who
   is not included in the address book are sent to the trash folder. I
   regularly check this trash folder.
 *  I use POP accounts, only emails kept in the server inbox are
   downloaded in my PC.

I do understand what you mean. A parameter to enable the user to
choose as you suggest ("only display in-line images from known
contacts"), and the possibility for choosing file types to display
(images and some others types) would be very useful.

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