On Tue, 2021-08-31 at 18:18 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Tue, 2021-08-31 at 17:50 +0200, Vincent Hennebert via evolution-
> list
> wrote:
> > I’m wondering how to enforce that setting then?
>         Hi,
> it's tricky. To have it working, you need to have the recipients
> auto-
> completed from the address book, using the contact with the "Wants
> HTML" set (in case you've the contact in multiple address books).
> Only
> after that the composer verifies whether the HTML format is fine for
> all the recipients. When you reply or create a new message for the
> contact, the address is not auto-completed, thus the question is not
> shown.
> The "Wants HTML" option doesn't change the compose format, it only
> works as a reminder when the message is about to be sent.

Thanks Milan for the explanation. Is there any reason for checking the
setting only in auto-completion? IOW, is it worth filing an enhancement

> If you want to play with it more, I'd suggest to try Edit-
> >Preferences
> ->Composer Preferences->Sent through Outbox, which will pile the
> messages into the On This Computer/Outbox, instead of sending them
> immediately, where you can review what is sent and eventually correct
> things in it when needed.

Good to know, thanks!


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