> I use Evolution with Mageia Linux 8, version 3.38.3. I receive emails
> with POP accounts. When pictures are attached to an email they seem to
> be downloaded but they are not displayed automatically. How is it
> possible to get pictures displayed automatically ?

It depends on how the images are attached to the email and the exact
mime headers. Specifically there is a a mime header "Content-
Disposition:" which tells the mailer what to do with the attachment. If
it says "inline", then the mailer will display the image; if it says
"attachment", often with a filename, it will be listed at the bottom of
the message and not displayed.  If there is no Content-Disposition,
then it is assumed to be an attachment.

I think it would be difficult to justify over-riding the Content-
disposition set by the sender. This is not unique to Evolution as
you've seen.

> I have been using Thunderbird for many years but I am tired of bugs
> never corrected ... An Addon was available for Thunderbird (Slideshow)
> for displaying attached pictures as a slideshow. Is that possible with
> Evolution ?
I haven't seen such a thing. If you want the ability to show images
inline rather than fire up an external viewer, then you will need to
file a feature request at 


but I think something like


might be what you are looking for.


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