Hello world,

This evening I updated my Opensuse Tumbleweed machines (2) and just after 
Evolution wasen't able to start.
In CLI I can see this eror message.

ppes@FIXE-MAISON:~> evolution  
evolution: symbol lookup error: /lib64/libebook-contacts-1.2.so.3: undefined 
symbol: _ZN4i18n12phonenumbers11PhoneNumberC1EPN6google8protobuf5ArenaEb
I have made some research on Internet but nothing seems to help really.
My Evolution version is 3.40.2-401.2 and all the library associated seems to be 
the same version.

I'm really annoyed because Evolution is my PIM and a lot of my works 
information are inside.

Do anyone know how to fix or any command to start Evolution with a workaround

Thank's you in advance

Dr Philippe Pès - SAMU 44 - CHU de NANTES
E-Mail : p...@club-internet.fr
Collaborateur SAMU-URGENCES de FRANCE : http://www.samu-de-france.fr
Collaborateur SFMU : http://www.sfmu.org  (La médecine d'urgence)
Webmaster CMUPL : http://www.cmupl.org
Webmaster WINFOCUS-France : http://www.winfocus-france.org
Corsicaria 2003 : http://www.corsicaria.org (Meeting aérien à Ajaccio)
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