On Mon, 2021-01-04 at 13:05 +0100, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
> On Mon, 2021-01-04 at 12:35 +0100, Sorin Srbu via evolution-list wrote:
> > Yupp, the application and tenant-IDs etc?
>       Hi,
> right, all those things. The page offers some defaults, you can try
> them (if you are lucky, the Application ID from there will work; if
> not, you can ask the admins to allow it). In fact, the admins do not
> want to "expose" anything, they only need to create (or allow the
> existing) an application as is described on that page and give you the
> Application ID. Everything is described on that page. Creating their
> own application ID gives them full control on the data being used by
> the application, by providing their own Application ID.

I have tried to get that access earlier at a few occasions as well as
answers on what the tenant-ID is, but to no avail. 
From time to time, I get the feeling that "non-standard" mailers like
Evolution Mail gets across as "dangerous" by the presumably Windows-centric
mail admins at the central IT-dep't... :-/

Will try again. Thanks for the confirmation though.

> > I feel OAuth2 is rather cumbersome with Evolution, unfortunately.
> If it's not clear from the Wiki page, the cumbersomeness is caused by
> the Exchange settings, not by the application (Evolution) here. They
> make it rather complicated to setup for the EWS protocol. I just want
> to be fair.

You are right of course. I didn't quite think that through all the way.


Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion

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