On 2020-12-21 16:59, Peter Franzek wrote:
> Hello Sorin,
> I use Evolution with my work's Office365 on Ubuntu 20.4.1 with all of
> the lattest updates. I have verified that it  is still working.
> I did have an issue with the serrver certificate on December 18th.
> Evolution complained that the certificate signing authority was
> unknown, but the date on the cert was still good. The error went away
> after accepting the cert temporarily. I suspect that was to do with
> corporate maintenance that occurs weekly around that time more than any
> issue with Evolution.
> I am sorry that I can not offer anything else other than our
> installation is still working. I agree with your comments concerning
> calendars and webmail.

Hello Peter!
Wrt the server certs, do you mean corporate maintenance at your company
or are we speaking on the Microsoft side?

Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
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