On Wed, 2020-08-26 at 09:00 +0100, Steve T via evolution-list wrote:
> Is anyone aware of any changes made within Evolution to handle this?

nothing happened on the Evolution(-data-server) side yet, you might
need to use the application specific password for the time being, as
the notification mail from Yahoo! says.

The problem is that the interface for OAuth2 application registration
on the Yahoo! site doesn't offer the mail (and CalDAV and CardDAV)
scopes, thus there is no way to obtain such token. I checked that
yesterday, after receiving a similar mail from the Yahoo!.

I found the corresponding Thunderbird bug and there's a hope. It seems
they've been able to ask the Yahoo! admins to add the mail scope for
them, thus I wrote a query to the same address yesterday. No idea when,
or even whether at all, they'll respond, because Thunderbird managed to
do it two/three years ago. In any case, be sure this will be addressed
in case the Yahoo! admins will approve and give the needed scope(s) for
the Evolution(-data-server) users.

P.S.: I know where the Thunderbird has the OAuth2 client ID and secret,
but, well, it's their and I do want to keep it solely their.

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